03.11.10: JOINED; received smile05, boxer19, erokappa04, kid13, funeral10, ousaka03, eyepatch13, eyepatch17 in my starter pack; took whiteclown05, cool17, pure07, combat19, halloween11, tattoo14, fangs14, womanizer08 from the October update post
04.11.10: received sigmund10 and jealousy03 for confirming membership; received trigger17, spoiled19, dynames16 and an orange crayon for October birthday
06.11.10: traded tattoo14 and whiteclown05 for cabbage02 and cabbage06 to spinningstyle; traded halloween11 to ouji_tan for fashion08
07.11.10: traded ousaka03 in the pot of gold for smile09; won zwei17 in maria and isaac's costume party
08.11.10: donated dynames16 to crazy colors; got nullify05, rebirth20 and caution02 for donating to scrapbook 03
09.11.10: traded spoiled19 to ouji_tan for maid05; traded trigger17 to cadiem for maid16(?); received switzerland03, china11, bigpuppy09, excluded16, scorpio12, misfortune07, sorry19, strip05, nekotalia14 from the deck update post; traded switzerland03 to maya_chu for masamune03; traded china11 to shinshi for cabbage13, traded bigpuppy09 and excluded16 to moon_wolfwriter for combat02 and kid09; traded scorpio12 to konimi for eyepatch20; traded misfortune07 to 00zags for cabbage11; traded sorry19 to spinningstyle for eyepatch09; traded strip05 to bananayuki for eyepatch01; traded nekotalia14 to tsubon for cabbage19
10.11.10: won nekotalia04, revolver09 and rebel07 in conan's clues; took maid07, fashion20 and masamune15 from recycled art; got three copies of my signature; traded smile05 to crisps for maid20; traded nekotalia04 to shinshi for brush14
11.11.10: won bronco12, cheer01, realian01 and inside03 in beauty pageant; traded revolver09 to electrumicity for maid17
13.11.10: traded caution02 to moongoosehwrs for eyepatch04
14.11.10: traded fangs14 to kikai7 for cabbage; won jaganshi20 in miria and isaac's costume party
15.11.10: received scar18, duck16, smoker03, rubber13, tattoo15, zura20, brat06, doll02, 2-a15, cheerful04, ragnell03, noble05, magic08 for donating sketchpads and level banners; traded bronco12 to algorithmrondo for masamune12; traded sigmund10 to flag for cabbage18; traded jaganshi20 and nullify05 to mirajane for fashion05 and fashion10
16.11.10: donated rubber13 to crazy colors
17.11.10: won fate18 and armor10 in spare parts; won flamboyant04 and chainsaw13 in conan's clues; traded noble05 to ouji_tan for maid15
18.11.10: got sergeant18, steak04 and alien06 from recycled art; won karaya12, hero20 and fashion08 in reading between the lines; won cello01 and smell09 in shadow watching with shikamaru; traded zwei17 for masamune05 to molesting; switched fashion08 for wired10 in switch it up
19.11.10: donated brush14 and sergeant18 to pot of gold; got onion15 and spy03 for completing pot of gold: brown; won zanza14 and dynamite10 in guess the color; traded fate18 to moonka for kid16; won aries07 and tsundere19 in ryoga's directions; traded cheerful04 to farsketched for alien01
20.11.10: won windom05 and taurus02 from neku's music station; won violence10 and whispered12 in seiyuu guess; won ragnarok07, traitor03 and popular12 in neku's music station; won drill17, bell15 and excluded16 in crosswords; traded dynamite10 to tsubon for wired12; traded hero20 to sleevetug for fashion14
21.11.10: traded drill17 to exceeded for cabbage12; traded tarus02 to bananayuki for alien20; traded windom05 to wolfie for jokes06; got channel16, cello08 and a gray crayon for turning in a completed sketchpad; won hero20 and healer17 in art lessons with rukia; traded healer17 to whimsykitsune for wired09; traded ragnarok07 to raitosu for eyepatch05; traded gray crayon to lacie for a red crayon; received locket05 and courage01 for completing pot of gold: purple; received brown crayon pot of gold: gray; won hacker13, pms13 and gunsmoker13 in seiyuu guess
22.11.10: traded smoker03 to mirajane for alien16; won kagutsuchi03, squats13 and androgynous04 in host club giveaway
23.11.10: traded aries07 to bananayuki for wired15; won mamushi02, libra13 and petshop19 in neku's music station; traded libra13 to staticphrase for cabbage03
24,11.10: won prussia05 and amnesia12 in spare parts; won magic03 and spider03 in conan's clues; received erokappa05, saiko18, third05, dynamite16 and a green crayon for submitting art; traded mamushi02 to farsketched for pure14; won cabbage03, rising01, waitress06 and inside09 in beauty pageant
25.11.10: traded popular12 to fuckoffcupid for combat12; received maid20, asobot18, eyepatch02 and a red crayon for leveling up; won russia20 and disaster19 in shadow watching; traded russia20 to shinshi for wired07; traded inside03 and inside09 to lucathia_rykatu for maid02 and pure08; traded cool17 and prussia05 to maya_chu for alien17 and alien19
26.11.10: won 017, vermouth06 and slave08 in pick a color; received sorry15, 2-a01, loyal02, hahi19 and a yellow crayon for contributing art; got alien02, alien11 and alien14 from recycled art; got despair08, saiko15 and an orange crayon for turning in a sketchpad; won channel10, shocking14, dynames04 and caliber19 in grafitti; won jealousy11 and mid-childa19 in pokeradar; won beloved08 and dragon19 in crazy colors; traded cheer01, dynamite16 and dragon19 to algorithmrondo for alien18, maid10 and wired01; donated rebel07 to izaya's information exchange; traded cabbage03 for wired06 in switch it up; received wind16 and information09 for voting in the monthly contest; traded traitor03, petshop19 and wired05 to raissa_yei for alien09, kid17 and wired05
27.11.10: traded slave08 to piraskel for wired02; traded dynames04 to xianaasuka for cabbage14; donated channel10 to crazy colors; won patch03 and laevatein01 in crazy colors; traded mid-childa19 to whimsykitsune for eyepatch07
28.11.10: traded jokes06 and gunsmoker13 to cadiem for saiko19 and fashion06; won believe03 and nekotalia07 in art lessons with rukia; traded nekotalia07 to shinshi for wired16; won jealousy19 in isaac and miria's costume party; traded 2-a01 to moonka for alien10; traded shocking14 to moonherb for fashion03; traded pms13 to individual for masamune14; traded 2-a15 and scar18 to maidsofmight for alien07 and wired08; traded boxer19 to miss_novacaine for fashion11; traded information09 to algorithmrondo for wired11
29.11.10: traded magic03 and magic08 to tamaryokucha for kid07 and steak01; traded despair08 to oriharas for alien03; won earth17, stubborn05, abuse13 and after05 in seiyuu guess
30.11.10: traded smell09 to monta for pistol10; received alien03, free15 and a red crayon for turning in a sketchpad
01.12.10: won duality06, eleven09 and rock18 in neku's music station; traded eleven09 to tsubon for eyepatch10; traded pistol10, chainsaw13, karaya12 and earth17 to sine_sapienti for alien13, cabbage08, wired13 and wired14
02.12.10: won rabbit02 and america03 in izaya's information exchange; traded america03 to electrumicity for kekkai08; won airglyph18 and prince18 in shadow watching with shikamaru; won spy08, cetra06 and friendship04 in reading between the lines; took cabbage01 from the advent calendar event
03.12.10: donated duck16 to crazy colors
04.12.10: took cannon11 from the advent calendar event, traded cannon11 to firemelon for wired04; won veda20 and cetra13 in crazy colors; won fullmetal05, tokunaga09, un-sorcerer17, 2-a17, deny05, gramarye14 and an orange crayon for participating in design aoi-sama contest; won taciturn02 and tails18 in guess the color; won an yellow crayon in izaya's information exchange; won chupa03, fierce17 and wisdom10 in crosswords; took eyepatch03 from the advent calendar event; traded chupa03 to spinningstyle for masamune09; traded spider03 to disko99dolly for masamune17; received timberowl15 for donating link buttons; received a gray crayon for maxing out donations; donated squats13 to crazy colors; won circus06 and colonel14 in crazy colors
05.12.10: traded androgynous04 to taminas for maid12; recieved asobot02, asobot02 and asobot02 from recycled art; traded jealousy03 to perarduaadast for wired03; traded fierce17, colonel14 and gramarye14 to flag for steak17, maid08 and alien12
06.12.10: traded 017 to moongoosehwrs for maid06; received wisewolf08 and glass02 in advent caledar event; traded patch03, zanza14 and hacker13 to kikai7 for junes15, maid03 and canada03; exchanged asobot02, asobot02 and asobot18 in art studio for eyepatch19; traded excluded16 to crisps for northitaly09; received drei05 and tsundere20 in host club giveaway; traded deny05 to chuukoku for combat20; traded airglyph18 to slashed_dream for maid18; took hotheaded11, peace09, wild02, finland09, stripes20, sweden11, outsider18, troy01, clow06 and christmas08 from the deck update post; traded hotheaded11 to lacie for wired18; traded wild02 to konimi for cabbage04; traded finland09 to shinshi for fashion15; traded sweden11 to tsubon for eyepatch11; gave outsider18 to experienced; traded troy01 to sine_sapienti for maid13; traded kekkai08 in the switch for amulet13; took alien05 from the advent calendar event; gave whispered12 to lalachoy
07.12.10: traded clow06 to megchan87 for eyepatch16; received karaya17 and pharaoh04 from advent calendar event; traded peace09 to ratiosu for cabbage17
08.12.10: won tuxedo04, perceive03, venus01; traded stripes20 and circus06 and to maya_chu for maid09 and drums02; won kalina02 and backlace08 in spare parts; traded backlace08 to lacie for eyepatch18; won bear19 and cannon13 in conan's clues; traded a green crayon to ratiosu for a brown crayon; traded 2-a17 to moonka for alien06
09.12.10: won christmas08 and loveless18 in seiyuu guess; won dawn01, ribika10, shark09 and speed17 in beauty pageant; won butler13, yo-yo14, aries18 and van11 in grafitti; gave christmas08 to firemelon; donated smile09 to crazy colors
10.12.10: received backlace04, warrior18, wired18 and a purple crayon for leveling up; traded armor10 to maya_chu for bass04; won veda11, airyglyph15 and berserker07 in pick a color; received zephyr03, chief09, badluck20, androphobic08 and a brown crayon for donating artwork; traded taciturn02 to miss_novacaine for masamune19; traded backlace04 to lacie for nyan13; took eyepatch08 from the advent calendar event; took cabbage07 from the advent calendar event; gave butler13 to oriharas; donated asobot02, amulet13, spy08 and chief09 to pot of gold; gave stubborn05 to kidalana
11.12.10: traded shark09 to kidalana for cabbage05; won eyes08 and japan12 in crazy colors; took cabbage10 from the advent calendar event; traded alien03 for junes11 in the switch; took maid11 from the advent calendar event
12.12.10: received despair07, hero15, kid08, drill07, a green crayon and a purple crayon for turning in two sketchpads; turned in two brown crayons for wired19 and wired20; traded waitress06, after05 and cannon13 to antonio for guitar02, keyboard16 and junes10; received virgin12, foul03 and mechanic07 for contributing to the scrapbook; traded japan12 to wet for maid14
13.12.10: donated asobot02, amulet13, spy08, chief09 to pot of gold; received delinquent04, crusnik06, virgo16, achoo10, kunst03, sealand11, eyepatches16, truth16, owner07, a green crayon and a purple crayon for completing red, yellow, green, blue and gray tasks in pot of gold; received cabbage16, asobot18 and asobot18 from recycled art; took maid19 from the advent calendar event
14.12.10: exchanged asobot18, asobot18 and maid20 in art studio for eyepatch14; traded flamboyant04 to moon_wolfwriter for fashion16
15.12.10: donated a purple crayon to color's coloring book; traded in two purple crayons and two red crayons for maid01, maid04, eyepatch06, eyepatch12; won pureblood04 and general06 in spare parts; won gamble15 and america10 in conan's clues; received destiny12, gakuen05, jokes06, cat10 and sun05 for donating graphics; won sadist10, chupa13, cola19 and idol10 in color's coloring book; traded realian01 and rabbit02 to vriska for fashion01 and masamune02
16.12.10: won believe02, sympathy08 and third09 in seiyuu guess; donated achoo10 to crazy colors
17.12.10: won key19 and rose05 in crazy colors; won caution13, sergeant06 and hikari20 in ryoga's directions; won petshop20, sympathy09 and chivalry13 in neku's music station; MASTERED WIRED - got bride15, smile19, cabbage09 and a gray crayon for mastering; MASTERED MAID - got doll12, blind08, cabbage20 and a gray crayon for mastering; MASTERED CABBAGE - got meister13, america19, eyepatch15 and an yellow crayon for mastering; MASTERED EYEPATCH - got lie20, sos09, alien04 and a blue crayon for mastering; took junes16 from the advent calendar event
18.12.10: traded couage01 to makoto666 for backlace10; traded cat10 to mirajane for virgin17; received hime19 and perceive14 from the advent calendar event; donated tails18 to crazy colors; received knight03, nerd16, gankutsuou09 and an orange crayon for donating a deck; received blaster07, emperor07 and tiny18 from the advnt calendar event; received asobot02, asobot02 and asobot02 from recycled art
19.12.10: won loyal08 and dollie15 in crazy colors; took fashion17 from the advent calendar event; traded androphobic08 to lacie for believe09
20.12.10: exchanged asobot02, asobot02 and asobot02 in art studio for alien08; traded virgo16 to bananayuki for kid02; traded wisewolf08 to algorithmrondo for junes18; traded loyal08 to experienced for kid06; traded hikari20 to lalachoy for steak03; traded idol10 to spinningstyle for junes07; traded gakuen05 to tsubon for fashion04; traded dollie15 and eyepatches16 to firemelon for virgin03 and stripes19; took fashion18 from the advent calendar event
21.12.10: traded timberowl15 to makoto666 for stapler13; received drill15 from spinningstyle
22.12.10: traded eyes08 to animepam for saiko11; won berserker15, beloved14 and ninja19 in neku's music station; took masamune20 from the advent calendar event; traded airyglyph15 to ouji_tan for stubborn01
23.12.10: won tears06, voi12, beloved07, fog14 and a gray crayon in beauty pageant; donated hahi18 to crazy colors; won mulberry06, lithuania02 and perfect15 in crazy colors; traded meister13 to mirajane for mysteria04; donated chivalry13 to crazy colors; traded lithuania02 to lalachoy for stapler19; traded mechanic07 and perceive03 to piraskel for virgin09 and virgin10; traded pharaoh04 to joey788 for combat03; won general05, hyperion18 and coffee20 in crazy colors; got funeral01, deadpan18 and a purple crayon for turning in a sketchpad
24.12.10: got pistol10 and 6604 in host club giveaway; got vermouth04 and channel13 in the advent calendar event; leveled up! got england02, mulberry17, fashion02 and a blue crayon for leveling up
25.12.10: traded tokunaga09 to marl_no_cornett for pure02; took nekotalia19 from the advent calendar event; donated beloved07, beloved08, beloved14, glass02 and van11 to the lottery; traded nekotalia19 and ribika10 to shinshi for stubborn08 and stapler20; tok fashion07 and kid20 from the advent calendar event
26.12.10: exchanged two blue crayons and one yellow crayon for kid01, kid11, alien15; won katana19 in isaac and miria's costume party; exchanged 6604 in the switch for pure16; won breaker09 and snowboard17 in pokeradar; won meimei13 and disarm16 in pokeradar; got spoiled08 and lotus01 in the advent calendar event; donated canada03, northitaly09, sealand11, america10, guitar02, drums02, keyboard16, bass04, nyan13 to the pot of gold, won wind04, bell08, ducati01, ousaka07, prince10, earth06, leader12, drill16, itadakimasu01 for completing purple and orange tasks for the pot of gold; won switzerland11, charm12 and misfortune11 in seiyuu guess; took stubborn08, stubborn20 and asobot02 from recycled art; got yggdrasil18 and a brown crayon from the advent calendar event; won brave20, bride10, brush11, halloween14 and 004 in pick a color; traded destiny12 and bear19 to mongoosehwrs for mysteria12 and stapler16; traded england02 to electrumicity for eroge04; traded hero20, channel16, tattoo15 and violence10 to conversated for mysteria15, saiko07, stapler14 and deer11; got a purple crayon, aniue18, katana08 and androgynous16 from the advent calendar event
27.12.10: traded funeral01 and america19 to lazuliprince for virgin01 and stubborn18; exchanged stubborn08, asobot02 and brat06 for steak02 in art studio; traded disarm16 to mirajane for stubborn04; traded yo-yo14 to blue_fox_girl for general06
28.12.10 traded androgyonous16 to kikai7 for fashion13; traded deadpan18 to konimi for stubborn06; traded wisdom10 and 004 to sparkism for stapler01 and stapler18; received hyperion04, falena09 and a yellow crayon for turning in a sketchpad; traded in one red crayon, four orange crayons and two green crayons for fashion09, junes01, junes02, junes03, junes04, steak05, steak06
29.12.10: won eroge20 and brain09 in conan's clues; got a green crayon from color's coloring book; donated a yellow crayon to color's coloring book
30.12.10: received sommelier02, canada06, petshop03 and a purple crayon for donating a deck; won meganes10, abuse13, rabbit02, starfish20 in color's coloring book; won oracle14 and paopufruit14 in reading between the lines
31.12.10: traded brain09 to lacie for persocom13, traded christmas08 to oresame for stubborn10; won chat11, raven16 and fujoshi01 in ryoga's directions; got amnesia12, adore16, troy14 ad cannon01 from the lottery; donated a gren crayon to color's coloring book
01.01.11: won keyblade06, babylon15 and hunter16 in crosswords; received masamune13 from vriska; traded canada06 to stopping for fashion12; won locket14 and ninja06 in crazy colors; won scythe19 and smile19 in pokeradar; traded sun05 to dropsofviolet for stapler11; got izanagi05 and butler12 for voting in the contest; won ragnarok02, whip08, tauburn07 and gentleman13 in color's coloring book
02.01.11: won hyper12, virgo18, spain13, mask04, manikatti09 and a gray crayon from neku's music station; won dango11 in go fish; traded hero15 to sparkism for stubborn11; won adore17, traitor16 and lotus18 in miria and isaac's costume party; donated deer11 to pot of gold; won pal01, fashion11, loyalty10, pms15, joajna04, zanza07, homophobe15, purple crayon and a blue crayon for completing the brown task and the whole pot of gold
03.01.11: won apple15 and sealand03 in guess the color
05.01.11: traded switzerland11 to moon_wolfwriter for masamune04; traded izanagi05 to shinshi for combat10; traded virgo18 to spinningstyle for masamune10; won bluemoon06, crush12 and illness04 in conan's clues; traded meganes10 to oresame for kid04
06.01.11 traded scythe19 to antonio for combat08; received mysteria05, mysteria11 and stubborn02 from recycled art; traded yggdrasil19 to perarduadast for virgin06; won steak17, knives05, sos20, kid06 and a blue crayon in beauty pageant; won grafeisen06, hatter06 and a blue crayon in host club giveaway; traded sealand03 to oresame for steak08; MASTERED ALIEN; received knowledge20, harmonica17, fashion19 and a yellow crayon for mastering; MASTERED FASHION; received perm09, badluck08, kid10 and a purple crayon for mastering; traded scythe19 to antonio for combat08
07.01.11: traded oracle14 to shinshi for saiko10; traded saiko15 to lucathia_rykatu for composer14; won caliber08, scientist03, knives02, money04 and guilt05 in grafitti; took composer01, sagittarius06, catcher16, vigilante20, oceanwave06, pipe12, kyotouryuu04, imperial17, odyssey17 and newyears18 from the deck update post; traded sagittarius06 to bass for composer02; traded oceanwave06 to kikinioth for composer15; traded catcher16 to tsubon for composer03; traded vigilante20 to spinningstyle for composer20; traded pipe12 to lazuliprince for composer12; traded kyotouryuu04 to algorithmrondo for composer19; traded imperial17 to conversated for composer16; traded odyssey17 to firemelon for composer17
09.01.11: traded combat10 to mirajane for composer10; traded harmonica17 to ouji_tan for mysteria01; won flash09 in go fish; won logic09, prodigy12, sweden05 and tails03
10.01.11: traded katana08 to dropsofviolet for mysteria03; won novelist18, melchsee16, 3-a15 and spain12 in pokeradar; donated fashion11 to crazy colors
11.01.11: traded cello01, cello08 and fullmetal05 to mirajane for stapler07, stapler12 and stapler15; traded tails03 to moon_wolfwriter for composer13; won marshmallow02, believe01 and trumpet17 in pick a color
12.01.11: traded melchsee16 to 00zags for answer09; traded halloween14 to firemelon for answer01;
13.01.11: donated a grey crayon to color's coloring book; won wisewolf15, verbose01, lie10 and highjump08 in seiyuu guess; won greece14 and phobia04 in shador waching with shikamaru; traded adore17, knives02 and knives05 to 00zags for mysteria09, mysteria18 and mysteria19
14.01.11: received bloodyrose19, disarm02, kid03 and a red crayon for leveling up; won awaken08, key10, masamune14 and esper11 in color's coloring book
15.01.11: traded blaster07, esper11, and grafeisen06 to chuukoku for steak15, steak18 and steak19
17.01.11: traded disarm02 to mirajane for eroge08; traded friendship04 to joey788 for virgin02; won drugs02, steak05, bolt01 and androphobic09 in seiyuu guess; won china20 and russia20 in crazy colors; won cello10, caelin06 and kunlun19 in pokeradar
18.01.11: traded lie10 to wet for mysteria02
19.01.11: traded fujoshi01 to megchan87 for masamune11; won rock08, princess20 and rebirth03 in conan's clues; took persocom06, persocom07, stubborn09 and virgin16 from recycled art; traded disaster19, hatter06, keyblade06, novelist18 and traitor16 to miss_novacaine for eroge07, persocom10, saiko20, saiko04 and stapler04; traded bloodyrose19 and butler12 to ouji_tan for answer07 and answer11
20.01.11: won medic12, control18, airyglyph07, gankutsuou10 and a gray crayon in beauty pageant; won virgin12, kind08 and grafeisen11 in shadow watching with shikamaru
22.01.11: traded stripes19 and russia20 to maya_chu for virgin11 and virgin20; traded drugs05 to mirajane for morning19; traded grafeisen11 and pureblood04 to whimsykitsune for mysteria06 and eroge13
26.01.11: traded control18, scientist03, ninja06 and ninja19 to whimsykitsune for composer04, morning07, uranus13 and uranus14; won comnet06 in pick a color; traded key10 and key19 to wolfie for mononoke04 and mononoke14; traded prodigy12 to xianaasuka for composer18; traded caelin06 to lucathia_rykatu for mysteria08; traded medic12 and troy14 to perarduadast for combat05 and combat07; won almighty04 and violence08 in host club giveaway
27.01.11: traded almighty04 to 00zags for nirvash16; traded loyal02 and prince10 to floorybitch for uranus15 and morning02; traded steak05 to taminas for morning14; won mechanic12, rainfell06 and bride12 in reading between the lines
29.01.11: donated a brown crayon to color's coloring book; traded spain12 and spain13 to algorithmrondo for uranus05 and uranus11; donated abuse13, abuse13, cola19, masamune14 and steak17 to the lottery; traded chat11 to skanty for morning18
31.01.11: won grafeisen20, lithuania13, pulse19 and intelligent10 in color's coloring book; won blazers17 and cheerio08 in pokeradar; won windom06, rookie07, violence07, mamushi19 and an orange crayon in the lottery
01.02.11: received morning04, morning10, morning13 and morning16 from recycled art
03.02.11: traded snowboard17 to chikky2k5 for uranus07; traded intelligent10 to lacie for morning05; won wind14, ostia11, firetruck04 and idol11 in neku's music station; won tsundere02, beli10 and mirage08 in conan's clues
06.02.11: won coordinator03, esper07, attack13, jindujun14 and a gray crayon in beauty pageant; won castle14, sogeking17 and avenge14 in isaac and miria's costume party; got troy06 and deliver08 in host club giveaway; traded apple15 and misfortune11 to spinningstyle for saiko05 and backlace19; took pisces07, blank07, jellyfish07, ukraine09, latvia04, gretel09, nun05, peacock10 and valentines19 from the deck update post; traded pisces07, blank07 and jellyfish07 to bass for kid14, kid15 and kid 19; traded latvia04 and ukraine09 to shinshi for drill01 and junes09; traded gretel09 to spinningstyle for virgin13; traded nun05 to maya_chu for morning11; traded peacock10 to ouji_tan for stubborn05
07.02.11: traded gankutsuou20 and gankutsuou09 to kikinioth for mononoke15 and stapler09; won photographs19, manga10 and outsider06 in seiyuu guess; traded photographs19 to lacie for morning20; won pal18 and wisewolf15 in pokeradar
08.02.11: won unison10, waterdrop08 and skyjack08 in neku's music station; exchanged three blue crayons for kid05, kid12 and kid18; exchanged six gray crayons for masamune01, masamune06, masamune07, masamune08, masamune16 and masamune18; won strip15, lacytanga17 and civilian10 in pick a color; received 2-a06, 2-a14 and stubborn12 from recycled art
10.02.11: traded drill16 to 00zags for junes17; traded skyjack08 to mirajane for morning08; traded sogeking17 to mongoosehwrs for nirvash07; won toran01 and tristan13 in spare parts; won director08, animajor09 and phobia01 in conan's clues; won a purple crayon in color's coloring book; won nekotalia15 and bonds04 in shadow watching; won 1stchild16, aquarius10 and spear05 in reading between the lines; got taciturn04 and third18 for voting; won ostia19 and julia02 in pick a color
11.02.11: traded wind04 to dropsofviolet for saiko02; got namekian05, strength10, junes08 and a gray crayon for leveling up
12.02.11: traded rainfell06 and tauburn07 to stopping for morning01 and morning15; won snowboard03, wolf10 and saiko15 in crosswords; MASTERED KID, got raven17, sos08, junes05 and a gray crayon for mastering; MASTERED MASAMUNE, got strict05, loyal18, junes06 and an yellow crayon for mastering
13.02.11: won twentyone05 in go fish; won bigsister17, strawberry15 and wizard02 in miria and isaac's costume party
17.02.11: traded caliber19 to fire_senshi for answer18; won trainer07, airhead19 and familiar03 in seiyuu guess; won deny12 and maschera12 in spare parts; won wakening08 and lazy01 in conan's clues; won bride10, burn11, tenshi16, prince03 and an orange crayon; won libra09 and flute02 in neku's music station; won extreme04 and hyourinmaru14 in guess the color
20.02.11: traded attack13 to animepam for morning17; won badluck01 in go fish; won captain15 in miria and isaac's costume party; exchanged 3-a15, 2-a06 and 2-a14 for valentines02, nekotalia15, ousaka07 and ostia11 for valentines03 and ostia19, wakening08 and halloween14 for valentines04 at the art studio; traded my signature and airhead19 to spinningstyle for her signature and stapler17; traded whip08 to bass for steak20
22.02.11: traded lotus01, lotus18, strawberry15, waterdrop08 and windom06 to vriska for mysteria07, stubborn14, steak07, steak09 and mononoke07; traded hyourinmaru14 to shinshi for virgin18; received eroge06 and stubborn16 from recycled art; exchanged zura20 for 2-a18 in the switch; traded third18 and mulberry05 to orechibisama for valentines01 and valentines13; received knowledge14 and twilight16 in host club giveaway
23.02.11: won drei19 and steak11 in conan's clues; traded emperor07, general05 and wizard02 to wandercrest for persocom08, persocom14 and christmas20
24.02.11: won hacker08, ordinary16, yebisu10 and kiyohime03 in pick a color; traded amnesia12 and amnesia12 to kidalana for doll19 and doll19; won fate11 and dullahan05 in shikamaru's shadow watching
26.02.11: turned in two sketchpads, got friendship17, occult20, oranges09, parents10, an yellow crayon and a gray crayon; traded bride10, bride10 and paopufruit14 to stopping for mysteria20, venus10 and venus12; won tactician02 and rival19 in guess the color; won ribika20, games01, meganekko14 and prince08 in neku's music station; won pierced18, clueless03 and dance09 in the crosswords; donated 2-a18 to color's coloring book, won ribika16, disarm18 and voi08 in color's coloring book
01.03.11: won badluck14 and meganes19 in pokeradar; traded badluck08 and badluck20 to shinshi for answer17 and believe20; won circus19 and destiny10 in spare parts
03.03.11: got director16, king15, capture09 and a red crayon for donating a deck; got moon04, melchsee07, morning15 and an orange crayon
07.03.11: won wolfbeil14, katana16, five19, circus02 and an yellow crayon in beauty pageant; traded chivalry07 to fire_senshi for eroge18; traded crusnik06, director08, and director16 to mirajane for composer06, composer07 and saiko14
08.03.11: traded raven16 to sno for morning11; won sukonbu07, violin09 and drei15 in neku's music station; won dynamite10 and saiyaman17 in pick a color; won zanza09, cello18 and amita02 in seiyuu guess; got aikido08 and soldier05 in host club giveaway
11.03.11: traded bride12 and capture09 to intoshine for drill12 and mononoke01; traded tristan13 to lacie for steak14; traded dynamite10 and pipe18 to orechibisama for persocom18 and virgin04; took guide02, isolated01, swallow15, vampire16, evolver07, necromancer19, sen18, bored09 and silhouettes07; traded guide02 to kupwark for stubborn17; traded isolated01 to moon_wolfwriter for saiko03; traded swallow15 to bass for stapler05(?); traded evolver07 and necromancer19 to konimi for composer09 and virgin08; traded vampire16 to fire_senshi for combat18; traded sen18 and bored09 to intoshine for stapler03 and morning12
13.03.11: traded circus19, crush12, pal01, pal18 and tsundere20 to wolfie for cure05, cure19, world02, world03 and world04; traded silhouettes07 to ouji_tan for junes20; traded yebisu10 to fire_senshi for nirvash15; got morning08, whiterabbit17, steak16 and a purple crayon for leveling up
14.03.11: won illness07 and translator03 in ryoga's directions; won warrior17, silhouettes01 and samekh06 in crosswords; won chat17, dog10 and dresses07 in isaac and miria's costume party; won maschera15, straycat18 and obstinate14 in neku's music station; got four copies of world17 from recycled art; traded aquarius10, drei15, and drei19 to chuukoku for mononoke05, morning06 and eroge09
17.03.11: donated katana16 to crazy colors; won optimist15 and meramera14 in crazy colors; won wisewolf20 and unison17 in guess the color; won seiyuu08 and junk07 in conan's clues
20.03.11: got boxer09 and revolver14 for voting; won flower19, coroner14, mobile13 and jindujun20 in beauty pageant; traded tenshi16 to fire_senshi for believe04; traded burn11, esper07 and clueless03 to individual for three green crayons; turned in three green crayons, three orange crayons and one brown crayon for steak10, steak12, steak13, junes12, junes13, junes14 and morning09; MASTERED STEAK; got nerd07, regulus08, junes19 and a purple crayon for mastery; MASTERED JUNES; got darkboots13, fireball17, morning03 and a red crayon for mastery; MASTERED MORNING; got catcher04, yami01, mysteria10 and a purple crayon for mastery; MASTERED PORTFOLIO; got van06, alien16, bell16, babylon10, two orange crayons, one green crayon and one blue crayon for mastery
21.03.11: traded darkboots13 to kupwark for maschera02; traded wizard09 to moon_wolfwriter for persocom16; gave hime19 and tsundere02 to cherryxjelly; won loyalty06 and clueless02 in pokeradar; gave wisewolf10, wisewolf15 and wisewolf20 to cherryxjelly, traded raven16 to cherryxjelly for musket06; traded signatures with cherryxjelly; won bodyguard12 and whiteclown04 in guess the color; traded tiny18 to intoshine for dreams08; traded chat17 and tactician02 to skanty for dresses15 and amita05
22.03.11: won ayesir16 and taurus14 in pick a color; exchanged eight purple crayons and one blue crayon for composer05, composer08, composer11, composer13, stapler02, stapler06, stapler08, stapler09 and mysteria13; got bear14, shocking05, letter12, viera18, tears08, swallow17, two read crayons and one yellow crayon for turning in three sketchpads; traded blind08 to sasurauchiha for mobile12; traded clueless02 to individual for persocom05
23.03.11: won kwando04 in seiyuu guess; won virgo05 and duality05 in conan's clues; traded deny12 to konimi for believe05
24.03.11: traded knight03 to cherryxjelly for neptune15; traded grafeisen20 to fire_senshi for virgin14; traded strength10 and troy06 to mirajane for answer12 and drill03; traded dog10 to intoshine for persocom15; traded pierced18 to lacie for saiko13; traded yami01 to animepam for dreams18; traded caution13 and hyper12 to 00zags for persocom01 and venus18; traded lithuania13 to silvertigerx for dresses20; got world14, world14, world14 and world15 from recycled art; exchanged christmas20, circus02, circus19, cure05, meganes19, world02, world03, world04, world17, world17, world17, world17, alien16, adore16, doll19, doll19, general06, jealousy11, jealousy19, kid06 and stapler09 for valentines05, valentines06, valentines07, valentines08, stapler10, virgin05 and virgin07; won jindujun15 and kagutsuchi19 in shadow watching; won german20, november15 and sealand07 in crosswords
25.03.11: traded soldier05 to skanty for dreams15; traded in one orange crayon for virgin15; got gemini04, occult16, charm17 and an yellew crayon for donating a deck
27.03.11: traded animajor09 and falena09 to lucathia_rykatu for uranus10 and saiko10; traded rival19 to kupwark for pluto11
28.03.11: won hyper19, raccoon06 and littlepuppy18 in ryoga's directions; won fragile08, world14, dhampir03 and gentleman09; won dollie04 in go fish; won kid06, names01 and littlekitty09 in miria and isaac's costume party
29.03.11: traded straycat18 to stopping for uranus08; traded pulse19 to pinkified for saturn08; traded fireball17 to phibby for shujin18; traded violence07 and violence08 to popndragon for aimo19 and swallow04; won hungary09, buchou13 and scar07 in pot of gold; MASTERED STAPLER; got apple01, cola13, mysteria16 and a blue crayon for mastering; MASTERED COMPOSER; got west08, india16, mysteria17 and a red crayon for mastering; MASTERED MYSTERIA; got fangs12, delusions10, virgin19 and a green crayon for mastering; MASTERED VIRGIN; got cello17, balance13, stubborn03 and an yellow crayon for mastering; got nirvash18, shujin01, shujin07 and venus06 from recycled art; won stapler19 and lion12 in pokeradar
30.03.11: won mute07 and love08 in conan's clues
01.04.11: got november17, attack14 and coordinator06 for donating to Scrapbook; won optimist20, zanber19 and grapes17 in neku's music station; won symmetry04 and kekkai07 in shadow watching; traded flash09 and extreme04 to piraskel for dreams04 and dreams12; traded littlekitty09 and littlepuppy18 to wolfie for wisewolf11 and wisewolf18
03.04.11: got quincy02, yggdrasil20, stubborn07 and a green crayon for leveling up; traded viera18 and rose05 to wolfie for television14 and television20; traded gentleman09, grapes17 and civilian10 to conversated for saiko09, stubborn10 and answer02; won blossom14, knight06, bear19, voi16 and a red crayon in beauty pageant; won skateboard14 and sadist20 in art lessons with rukia; won porn17 in isaac and miria's costume party; traded quincy02 to shinshi for venus05; traded mask04 and libra09 to moon_wolfwriter for moon08 and dreams16
05.04.11: traded sommelier02 and coordinator06 to shinshi for amita01 and moon02; traded buchou13 to kirkland for combat16; got disarm06, vigilante08 and a purple crayon for turning in a sketchpad; won cleaning03, kerberous11, over900019 and timid12 in pick a color
06.04.11: traded television14 and television20 to cherryxjelly for jupiter14 and rainfell19; traded destiny10 and ribika20 to yamachan01 for sailorfuku19 and rhythm20; won memorized20 and crybaby04 in spare parts; won cowbell09 and gakuen05 in conan's clues; won meganekko01 and avenge11 in pokeradar; won eins14 and vector03 in host club giveaway
07.04.11: traded india16 to taminas for believe07; traded mulberry17 to orechibisama for sailorfuku03; traded optimist15 and taurus14 to sno for sailorfuku02; traded a gray crayon to kupwark for sailorfuku05; took rhythm01, author15, cipher02, shattered14, aptx486901, conquer05, fairy07, akatsubaki10, sailorfuku08, gakuran17 from the deck update post; took uranus04 for answering the animated deck question; traded akatsubaki10 and seiyuu08 to lacie for rhythm08 and sailorfuku01; traded author15 to fire_senshi for rhythm02; traded cipher02, china20, hungary09, marshmallow02 and sweden05 to animepam for rhythm03, amita11, musket13, shujin10 and names08; traded wisewolf11, wisewolf18, sos08 and sos20 to cherryxjelly for sailorfuku10, sailorfuku16, venus16 and rhythm19; traded shattered14 to kikinioth for rhythm04; won india17 and gatekeeper19 in shadow watching
08.04.11: won fairy13, pyrokinesis19 and moe02 in reading between the lines; won rubber11 and operator01 for referring; traded voi08 and voi12 to megchan87 for combat11 and eyepatches04; traded conquer05 to joey788 for rhythm06; traded meganekko14 to taminas for sailorfuku20; traded illness04 to vriska for sailorfuku04; traded charm12 and rabbit02 to dearmykeysx for amita18 and saiko12; traded vigilante08 to konimi for oranges07; traded badluck01 and badluck14 to chikky2k5 for persocom17 and sailorfuku12
09.04.11: traded meganekko01 to taminas for nirvash20; traded india17 to taminas for gakuen17; won lotus03, god05 and thief03 in ryoga's directions; won shy01, library01 and loveme18 in seiyuu guess; won sincerity02, airhead05 and lotus11 in crosswords; won sweet02 and wisdom10 in conan's clues; won automail05 in miria and isaac's costume party; traded fairy13 to lacie for persocom11; traded sweet02 to kupwark for oranges10; traded logic09 to taminas for venus02
11.04.11: traded spy03 to lucathia_rykatu for sailorfuku11; traded dango11 to cherryxjelly for eroge15; traded lotus11 to roax for maschera08; traded avenge11 to pinkified for rhythm16
12.04.11: donated vector03 to izaya's information exchange; won dote07 and thornqueen12 in izaya's information exchange; traded beli10 and cetra13 to izanagihana for firetruck20 and kitten09; traded cowbell09 to intoshine for betreida18; got moon11, shujin13, world15 and world15 from recycled art; gave 1stchild16, automail05, backlace10, backlace10 and over900019 to darkraven616
13.04.11: won ayesir01 and spear14 in spare parts; traded lotus03 to yamachan01 for dreams20; traded virgin12 to dropsofviolet for sailorfuku17
14.04.11: won bored05, taurus14, mayonnaise03, darkangel09 in beauty pageant; traded chupa13 to yamachan01 for mercury05; won burning11 and nekotalia19 in shadow watching
15.04.11: traded taurus14 to dearmykeysx for firetruck15; traded funeral10 to bringthefate for dreams05; won sew19, kenpo10 and gakuen16 in neku's music station; traded a red crayon to cherryxjelly for a purple crayon
16.04.11: traded knowledge14 and knowledge20 to slashed_dream for answer13 and answer15; traded in eyepatches03, gakuen05, gakuen16, gakuen17, nekotalia19, world14, world14, world14, world14, world15, world15 and world15 for valentines09, valentines10, valentines11 and valentines12 in the art studio; got answer06, answer16, uranus03 and uranus12 from recycled art; won wolfbeil03 in isaac and miria's costume party; won deadpan07, abyss09 and ninja14 in conan's clues; traded in two purple crayons for two copies of my signature; got fullmetal13, akatsubaki20, wind08, laevatein04, maid09, enjoy12, two red crayons and one purple crayon for turning in sketchpads; traded akatsubaki20 to konimi for sailorfuku07
17.04.11: won ostia06 in go fish; won blackrose11 and reiki03 in art lessons with rukia; traded maid09 and morning08 to roax for mercury19 and names11; traded games01, kind08, sergeant06 and twilight16 to lalachoy for amita19, firetruck11, god12 and god14
18.04.11: traded sealand07 and coordinator03 to silvertigerx for sailorfuku09; traded jokes06 to popndragon for 1stchild01; traded aptx486901 to kelliedee for rhythm05; traded sigantures with darkraven616
19.04.11: traded in androphobic09, aniue18, brave20 for mononoke02; traded in coffee20, cola13, comnet09 for mononoke03; traded in erokappa04, erokappa05, emperor07 for mononoke06; traded in free15, friendship17, general06 for mononoke08; exchanged three green crayons and one orange crayon for mononoke09, mononoke10, mononoke11 and stubborn13; traded bodyguard12 and airyglyph07 to ouji_tan for wired09 and wired19; traded signatures with wolfie; traded signatures with bringthefate; traded charm17 to dearmykeysx for names15; traded wired09 and wired19 to darkraven616 for sailorfuku18 and rhythm18; traded abyss09, doll02, melchsee07, kagutsuchi19 and mute07 to perarduadast for dresses08, firetruck01, mobile14, viera01 and witch20
20.04.11: received cain03 from barnaby ♥♥♥; won strength01, armor14, mercenary13, zephyr12 and model08 in grafitti; won an orange crayon and a green crayon in pick a color
21.04.11: won shujin18, itadakimasu09 and directions08 in reading between the lines; got stubborn15, cat05, halloween05, knightmare17 and an yellow crayon for leveling up
22.04.11: won angel13, lithuania07 and knife09 in seiyuu guess; won jyuuken01, devoted01 and yggdrasil11 in neku's music station; traded whiteclown04 and whiterabbit17 to lazuliprince for moon09 and maschera13; traded lithuania07 to roax for names03
23.04.11: won persocom05, timid01 and curry17 in ryoga's directions; got firetruck05, firetruck07, kitten17 and venus03 from recycled art; won mechanic08, mako04 and odyssey19 in crosswords; won sen16 and fujoushi02 in conan's clues; won sultry06, tsundere02 and tomorrow19 in miria and isaac's costume party; traded witch20 to darkraven616 for halloween11; got railgun03 and motorcycle04 for voting; traded cannon01 to cherryxjelly for oranges18
24.04.11: got trinisette20, malice04, natsuo17 and austria06 for donating sketchpads; got dango02, ribbon04, traps20, bigsister11, sweden08, vino01, bass15, hiwa02, burning11, mamushi15 and an yellow crayon for donating level banners and link buttons; got blessed09, mws13, bonds16, avenge04 and an yellow crayon for donating art; got wild15, blastia09, uranus13, choker19 and a red crayon for donating art; bought lotto tickets with aimo19, berserker07, berserker15, drei05 and duality05; exchanged nine yellow crayons for uranus01, uranus02, uranus06, uranus08, uranus09, uranus16, uranus17, uranus19, uranus20; got aura08, hyper12 and a purple crayon for turning in a sketchpad; traded letter12 to gantai for dreams01
25.04.11: traded airhead05, knife09, kid06, meramera14 and traps20 to vriska for nirvash10, nirvash11, nirvash14, saiko06 and venus17; won destiny14, nagi07 and claw04 in pokeradar; traded leader12 to animepam for mononoke18; traded claw04 to fire_senshi for betreida20; traded mechanic08 to ouji_tan for amita17
27.04.11: traded destiny14 to cherryxjelly for saturn07; traded jyuuken01 to moon_wolfwriter for amita10; won reaper09, durandal13, greece18, admired13, one19 and a brown crayon in pot of gold
28.04.11: gave 1stchild01 and viera01 to darkraven616; got dresses11, firetruck08, world14 and world14 from recycled art; got fragile16, vampire04, chat04 and a green crayon for donating a deck; won saiko16, maxter12, synesthesia05, boxer11 and a purple crayon in beauty pageant; traded synesthesia05 to fire_senshi for rhythm19; won loyalty13, corn05, tokunaga06, moe01 and kora17 in grafitti; traded vampire04 to barnaby for eroge03; traded idol11 to onmyou_ji for names10
29.04.11: traded dango02 to cherryxjelly for drill16; traded revolver14 to victorisham for eroge12; traded thornqueen12, gemini04 and fujoshi02 to bass for combat13, names05 and sailorfuku15
30.04.11: traded odyssey19 to mirajane for mononoke19; won rookie05 and civilian07 in conan's clues; won speed07, east20 and stripes13 in miria and isaac's costume party; won takoyaki04, heart09, pyo12, candy14, ninja03 and maid02 in the lottery
02.05.11: traded candy14, enjoy12 and zanza09 to kikai7 for mononoke12, dresses12 and moon15; won allsunday19 and fireball17 in guess the color
03.05.11: traded truth16 to newspaper for witch17; got shaolin06, shocking15, logic05, klarerwind01, automail19, ostia03 and an orange crayon for participating in the contest; won flare16, fireball02, dancer10, five01, ore-sama16, akatsubaki19 and an yellow crayon in pot of gold; won colonel02 and eyes08 in pick a color; traded rubber11 and blastia09 to orechibisama for betreida19 and jupiter15; won childish02, flaming02 and novelist10 in neku's music station
04.05.11: traded akatsubaki19 to konimi for combat14; got pyroqueen20, rose17, rhythm15, moon17 and moon13 from recycled art; got dullahan11, despair11 and princess08 from scrapbook; won pudding02 and newyears13 in spare parts; won homophobe11, cheerful19, pisces06 and a gray crayon for donating a deck; traded in halloween05, halloween11, ostia03 for sailorfuku06; ostia06, newyears13, silhouettes01 for sailorfuku13; trinisette20, world14, world14 for sailorfuku14 in the art studio; traded rose17 and blackrose11 to kikinioth for rose03 and iris06; traded bored05 to intoshine for mercury07; traded devoted01 to disutansu for maschera09; traded stripes13 to intoshine for thornqueen05; gave witch17 and automail19 to darkraven616
05.05.11: traded a purple crayon to ratiosu for a blue crayon; traded austria06, boxer09 and boxer11 to taminas for venus04, skyking18 and arrogant02; won silhouettes07 and drei08 in shadow watching; donated cleaning03 to crazy colors; won lotus14, libra16 and silhouettes01 in crazy colors; donated kunst03 to crazy colors; traded porn17 to plusqueparfait for moon01; traded arrogant02 to cherryxjelly for icequeen14
06.05.11: won smart-mouth19, neptune15 and sand11 in crazy colors; traded in two green crayons and two blue crayons for mononoke13, mononoke16, saiko08 and saiko17; took aristocrat06, shenlong05, osuwari16, spot01, iceblue07, otoko05, cybernetic02, hyakka20 and henshin12 from the deck update post; also took henshin08 that I donated; took valentines20 for answering the special deck naming question; traded aristocrat06 and shenlong05 to taminas for spot05 and cybernetic01; traded otoko05 and pisces06 to dearmykeysx for spot06 and pure13; traded iceblue07 to yamachan01 for spot03; traded deliver08 to mongoosehwrs for firetruck10; got googles09, occult09, contract01, zanber17, an yellow crayon and a gray crayon for turning in two sketchpads; traded rock18 to kearin for eroge01; traded bass15 to dieselboy808 for spot07
07.05.11: won letter05 and cheat01 in host club giveaway; got pride14 and takoyaki18 for referal; won order05 from miria and issac's costume party; won engrish17 and kaze12 in conan's clues; won womanizer20, hyakka02 and ducati09 in crosswords; won nyu14, caduceus10 and ayesir11 in seiyuu guess; traded nyu14 to kupwark for neptune18; traded kora17, callo10, chat04 and libra16 to miss_novacaine for amita20, betreida08, maschera18 and venus07
09.05.11: traded neptune15 to nevita for dreams06; traded kaze12 to mongoosehwrs for names07; traded trumpet17 to enfacade for drill04
10.05.11: traded king15 to newspaper for rhythm11; traded ducati09, julia02 and samekh06 to perarduadast for combat04, combat09 and combat17
11.05.11: took delinquent19, god03, persocom20, world14 and world14 from recycled art; traded henshin12 and henshin08 to vriska for uranus18 and spot04
12.05.11: won puppet06, kid11, monster16 and gankutsuou09 in beauty pageant; traded dancer10, uranus13, prince03, prince08, prince18, crybaby04 and tokunaga06 to kikinioth for amita04, arrogant06, flower13, god08, names19, nirvash01 and shujin17; won medic18, parasite11, dreams15, rock08 and shadow20 in grafitti; traded maid02 to caitirin for kitten12
13.05.11: traded contract01 to sno for amita14; traded ore-sama16 to mirajane for persocom04; traded homophobe11, homophobe15 and money04 to disutansu for oranges06, shujin05 and neptune04; traded bell16 to sparkism for jupiter04; traded nagi07 to victorisham for oranges03; donated breaker09 to crazy colors; won catholic17, key20 and judge06 in crazy colors; traded illness05, persocom05 and translator03 to caitirin for noble17, sos14 and tsundere12; MASTERED STUBBORN; got disaster11, yami15, mononoke17 and a brown crayon for mastering; MASTERED URANUS; got optimist18, ratsbane03, mononoke20 and an yellow crayon for mastering; MASTERED MONONOKE; got charisma05, blank18, answer03 and an yellow crayon for mastering; MASTERED SAIKO; got jealous08, fangs14, answer04 and a gray crayon for mastering; MASTERED SAILORFUKU; got ariadoney15, masamune09, flaming14, valentines14 and a green crayon for mastering; COMPLETED PORTFOLIO; got seahorse19, windom10, hungrywolf15, galaxy01, two yellow crayons, one green crayon and one gray crayon for completing; traded knightmare17 to sparkism for kitten20
14.05.11: traded in two red crayons for stern15 and stern20; traded in two orange crayons for answer05 and answer08; traded in two brown crayons for corn12 and corn13; got keyblade18, paint10, tonfar10, leopard19, an orange crayon and an yellow crayon for turning in sketchpads; traded judge06 and yami15 to moon_wolfwriter for amita08 and firetruck02; won missdeep08, literature12 and february15 in miria and isaac's costume party; traded aikido08, allsunday19 and admired13 to spinningstyle for automail07, firetruck14 and noble11; gifted corn12 and corn13 to dearmykeysx; traded stern15 and stern20 to chuukoku for answer10 and answer14
15.05.11: traded toran01 and trainer07 to spinningstyle for maschera10 and witch19; won owner14 and symmetry17 in art lessons with rukia; won blackrose18 and birthmark03 in guess the color
16.05.11: won katana09, twentyone05 and bell19 in neku's music station; won hyakkiyakou02, malice06 and poison18 in neku's music station; traded disaster11 to yamachan01 for saturn20; got strawberry15, phobia15, maihime06, venus19 and an orange crayon for leveling up; submitted flute02, flower19, fog14, manikatti09, maxter12, pyrokinesis19, raccoon06, speed07, speed17, sultry06 and sweden08 to the trade pot; got sottorosa's order03, dragon05, healer16, dancer14, obstinate10, angel14, sparkism's lion12, animepam's barcode16, experiments04, temper04 and perarduaadast's dango17 from the trade pot; traded witch19 and automail07 to darkraven616 for sogeking11 and shaolin13; traded symmetry04 and symmetry17 to 00zags for cybernetic20 and drill13
18.05.11: won lucky07 and cherry06 in pokeradar; traded in two yellow crayons, two purple crayons and two gray crayons for lieutenant15, collected01, burgers02, burgers03, haicopy10 and haicopy18; traded kunlun19 to spinningstyle for firetruck06; traded lieutenant15, collected01, burgers02, burgers03, haicopy10 and haicopy18 to piraskel for venus08, venus09, venus11, venus13, venus14 and venus15; won kid07 and spaz13 in spare parts;
21.05.11: traded dullahan05 to angel_of_faith for moon14; traded charisma05 to sno for amita09; won torture12, identity10 and earthshaker01 in reading between the lines; traded dango17 to cherryxjelly for wind06; won pervert16, heart05 and noble09 in miria and isaac's costume party; won paint06, armor13 and deer20 in crosswords; traded wind06, wind08, wind14 and wind16 to barnaby for emperor03, emperor16, emperor19 and emperor20
23.05.11: traded corn12 and corn13 to dearmykeysx for answer19 and answer20; got math18, eccentric01, taijutsu15 and saturn11 for donating sketchpads; traded osuwari16 and a red crayon to cherryxjelly for spot02 and cybernetic03; got lithuania19, iyashikei07, thepaper16, photographs10, swallow05, dense06, supporter01, straycat18 and nishi14 for donating level banners; traded stapler19 to unppure for cybernetic18; traded paint06 to barnaby for believe12; took cry03, cry09, noble10, silhouettes04 and world14 from recycled art; won gakuran11 and hungrywolf06 in go fish; won blackcat04, names18 and beli06 in guess the color
24.05.11: traded cetra06 to makoto666 for oranges12; traded pervert16 and sogeking11 to 00zags for cry02 and god15; traded nishi14 to chuukoku for believe15; donated sadist20 to izaya's information exchange; won civilian14 and taijutsu04 in izaya's information exchange; traded vino01 to victorisham for drill05; won vermouth05, sweet13 and darkboots02 in neku's music station; won revenge12 and sen09 in pokearadar; traded deadpan07, katana09, katana19, photographs10, apple01 and ordinary16 to hushlust for 1stchild19, noble12, moon10, guild19, betreida17 and jupiter12
25.05.11: traded bear19 to stopping for oranges17; traded leopard19 to wolfie for betreida07; MASTERED ANSWER; got anima11, burning02, venus20 and an yellow crayon for mastering; MASTERED VENUS; got 2ndchild18, yo-yo05, dreams02 and an orange crayon for mastering; won halloween15 and flaming10 in conan's clues; traded warrior17 to disutansu for eroge14; gave warrior18 to disutansu, donated burning11, burning11, earth06, key20 and van06 to the lottery; traded 1stchild19 and guild19 to darkraven616 for tuxedo03 and tuxedo09; traded blossom14 to spinningstyle for god11
26.05.11: traded world14, world14 and world14 for valentines15 in the art studio; traded angel13, angel14 and bluemoon06 for dreams03 in the art studio; traded burning02, cello18 and channel13 for dreams07 in the art studio; traded deer20, durandal13 and highjump08 for dreams09 in the art studio; traded zanza07, zephyr03 and zephyr12 for dreams10 in the art studio; traded attack14, blessed09, dense06, dullahan18, lucky07, parasite11, unison10, unison17 and wolf10 to ratiosu for dreams17, oranges11, drill06, shujin19, jupiter01, dresses06, dresses14, noble14 and tuxedo19; won dressup05, detective08 and empress05 for donating to the scrapbook; won believe03, highjump07, hikari14 and drei09 in beauty pageant
27.05.11: traded blank18 to nonchatte for eroge20; traded lazy01 to bringthefate for oranges04; got claw11, novel12, ore-sama14, vector14, jyuuken02, northitaly06, yellow crayon, orange crayon and a gray crayon for turning in sketchpads; traded rainfell19 to roax for drill02; traded balance13 and tsundere02 to nonchatte for mayonnaise09 and mayonnaise10; traded musket13 to swoobat for spot09
29.05.11: traded spoiled08 to spinningstyle for tuxedo11; took cry12, mayonnaise01, mayonnaise04, mayonnaise05 and mayonnaise06 from recycled art; won rafale01, henshin03 and ordinary01 in miria and isaac's costume party; won finland02 and sun01 in guess the color; traded goggles09 to animepam for cry04
31.05.11: traded hyakkiyakkou02 to wolfie_ for names12; traded tsundere12 to cherryxjelly for spot08; traded princess08 and virgo05 to taminas for drill09 and drill20; won punisher01, sympathy08, reality10, scout18, halberd10, latvia14 and a purple crayon in the lottery; donated mayonnaise04 and mayonnaise05 to izaya's information exchange; gifted bride15, dollie14, locket05 and locket14 to alvanista
02.06.11: won blossom09, normal05, eyepatch11 and jyuuken05 in izaya's information exchange; got dense11 and a blue crayon for donating link buttons; won viera02 and idol20 in conan's clues; donated pyroqueen20, thornqueen05, skyking18, icequeen14, rose03, iris06, lotus14, flower13, blackrose18, emperor03, emperor16, emperor19 and emperor20 to pot of gold; won leader02, memorized07, keyboard06, blame15, octava14, solar01, kunst16, spear09, whaleshark02, solar02, sablier17, psychiatrist09, doberman19, dance04, traps19, haicopy02, caelin09, birthmark17, unlucky12, prussia14, marchhare06, outsider01, southitaly05, zanza17, elemental11, marriage02, key15, sensible05, origami11, trailblazer13, rafale05, red crayon, brown crayon, purple crayon and a green crayon from pot of gold; traded marriage02 to sottorosa for combat01; won bite05 and anniversary01 from the anniversary event; traded catholic17 and marchhare06 to staticphrase for spot13 and shujin16
03.06.11: traded blame15 to subtlety for oranges15; won meganekko12, optimist07 and p-chan06 in reading between the lines; traded viera02 to darkraven616 for eyepatches02; traded an yellow crayon to kupwark for an orange crayon; traded an yellow crayon to 00zags for an orange crayon; won eyepatch15, right07, perfect11, mature15 and anniversary02 in the anniversary event; took drill19, mayonnaise07, mayonnaise11, mayonnaise12, mayonnaise14, mayonnaise15, moon07, names09, tuxedo10 and tuxedo13 from recycled art; traded curry17 to xianaasuka for moon05; traded babylon15, blackcat04, and doberman19 to piraskel for jupiter02, god10 and god13; got oranges01 and anniversary03 from the anniversary event
05.06.11: got persocom12 from maidsofmight; won ciaossu18, negi04 and chivalry15 in ryoga's directions; traded negi04 to nonchatte for betreida11; traded latvia14 to silvertigerx for moon06; won protective20, southitaly05, hyakka15, geek07 and slave02 in miria and isaac's costume party; won taozi01, capricorn17 and heiress03 in crosswords; got cry19, hornet15, abyss16 and a purple crayon for donating a deck; won youcopy01, thornqueen08, pyo10 and a green crayon for donating a deck
06.06.11: won marchhare02, regulus07 and anniversary04 in the anniversary event; won fang08, acepilot05 and anniversary05 in the anniversary event; won karaya18 and puppet10 in art lessons with rukia; won nekotalia08, friendship05 and hiwa20 in pick a color; donated haicopy02 to izaya's information exchange; won a blue crayon from izaya's information exchange; won shujin08 and runner09 in izaya's information exchange; won mononoke03, india19 and pistol07 in neku's music station; won occult02, wayward01 and admired05 in seiyuu guess; won blackcat15 and healer20 in host club giveaway; took paprika01, fanclub01, silvana01, onigiri13, bluerose15, seductive04, hungry04, manipulate01, watermelon13, watermelon12 I donated and amita03 as the A card from the release post; traded silvana01 to darkraven616 for paprika02, traded manipulate01 to whimsykitsune for paprika03; traded onigiri13 to piraskel for paprika04, traded bluerose15 to sno for fanclub02; traded seductive04 to bringthefate for fanclub03; traded hungry04 to stopping for fanclub04; treded noble09, noble10 and noble11 to alvanista for watermelon05, paprika05 and fanclub05; traded a blue crayon to 00zags for watermelon19; got watermelon02 from barnaby; traded a red crayon to ratiosu for watermelon04; traded musket06 to swoobat for watermelon11; traded a green crayon to unpure for watermelon06; traded fang08 to wolfie for cybernetic07; traded dance04, dance09 and sweet13 to kelliedee for cry08, cry20 and neptune01
07.06.11: traded a gray crayon to konimi for watermelon07; traded in four orange crayons and one gray crayon for dreams11, dreams13, dreams14, dreams19 and silvana03; traded silvana03 to darkraven616 for watermelon08; traded bite05, earthshaker01 and sensible05 to ouji_tan for oranges02, watermelon16 and watermelon15; won hope01, minami10 and anniversary06 in the anniversary event; traded eyepatches02 to victorisham for cybernetic06; got virgin03, cuarta08, hungry17, pisces04 and a green crayon for submiting art; donated hope01 and heiress03 to the anniversary event; won anniversary07, stripes03, idol05 and shirogamon10 in the anniversary07
10.06.11: traded silhouettes07 to roax for watermelon17; traded caduceus10 to yamachan01 for watermelon10; traded jyuuken02 and jyuuken05 to moon_wolfwriter for tuxedo07 and tuxedo12; traded india19 to lalachoy for saturn10; won catholic15, god03 and cola03 in neku's music station; won wizard15 and hebihime02 in conan's clues; traded hungry17, keyblade18 and mononoke03 for tuxedo07(?), tuxedo08 and tuxedo20; won messiah16, precise05, hyourinmaru16, leo10 and korobokkuru17 in grafitti; traded sensible05 and wayward01 to ouji_tan for oranges14 and watermelon15; traded an yellow crayon to bosom for an orange crayon; won child17, flower15 and anniversary08 in the anniversary event; won samekh20, cubes19, trailblazer16 and moon06 in beauty pageant; LEVELED UP; got drugs08, sweet17, hitsuzen15, oranges05 and a blue crayon for leveling; traded in anima11, caelin09, gakuran11 for valentines16; traded in halloween15, henshin03, nekotalia08 for valentines17; traded in traps19, trailblazer13, trailblazer16 for valentines18; traded in three orange crayons and six yellow crayons for oranges16, oranges19, moon03, moon12, moon16, moon18, moon19, moon20 and eroge02; traded strawberry15 to darkraven616 for jellyfish04; traded ciaossu18 to alvanista for oranges13
11.06.11: got intelligent09, technician14, glasses15, youcopy06, beatjumper06, desu16, purple crayon, gray crayon and an yellow crayon for completing sketchpads; traded reaper09 to wolfie_ for watermelon20; MASTERED DREAMS; got buchou15, janken03, oranges08 and blue crayon for mastering; MASTERED MOON; got maihime07, vigilante03, oranges20 and a green crayon for mastering; MASTERED ORANGES; got spot15, octava09, eroge07 and a brown crayon for mastering; won falena08 in miria and isaac's costume party; traded noble17 to alvanista for dynames20
12.06.11: submitted laevatein01 to the anniversary event; got eroge01 and anniversary09 from the anniversary event; took dynames03, mayonnaise03, mayonnaise04, mayonnaise13, mayonnaise16, mayonnaise19, tuxedo05, tuxedo15, tuxedo16 and tuxedo18 from recycled art; gifted mayonnaise03 to darkraven616; got grapes15, sultry02 and anniversary11 from the anniversary event
19.06.11: won itadakimasu07, petulant05, cigarettes16 and anniversary12 in the anniversary event; won dance14, misandry13, korobokkuru05 and anniversary10 in the anniversary event; won butler03, collected07 and anniversary13 in the anniversary event; won brag15 and believe18 in host club giveaway; won kekkai08, viola06 and burn02 in music station; won ariadoney12 and otaku05 in shadow watching; won hungrywolf15 in go fish; won nyu15 and bolverk20 in guess the color; won tanuki14 and composer15 in ryoga's directions; traded sweet17 to kelliedee for swallow08; traded eccentric01 and twentyone05 to perarduaadast for watermelon01 and watermelon09; traded tanuki14 to bosom for dresses18
20.06.11: traded blossom09 to nonchatte for chaos14; won blindfold02, dynamite07, twilight07 and anniversary15 in the anniversary event; won watermelon18 and anniversary14 in the anniversary event; won barrier18 and dinosaur17 in pokeradar
21.06.11: got dynames02, dynames04, dynames05, dynames10, dynames12, immortal02, immortal05, immortal06, tuxedo01 and tuxedo02 from recycled art
22.06.11: won uranus11, judge05 and anniversary20 in the anniversary event; won eroge10 and anniversary19 in the anniversary event; won cheat06, yo-yo10 and anniversary18 in the anniversary event; won platinum06, sensei01 an anniversary16 in the anniversary event; won delinquent15 in pick a color; traded hitsuzen15 to antagonists for nonary06; traded dancer14 to kikinioth for watermelon03; traded dinosaur08, eyepatch11 and eyepatch15 to 00zags for mayonnaise08, spot10 and swallow10; traded barcode17 and barrier18 to spinningstyle for cry05 and mercury14; won spear04 and monta19 in costume party; won mamushi17, tears07, selfless09 and foxhound10 in music station; won memories03, newyears15 and anniversary17 in the anniversary event; won messiah09, death07, chief19, sultry10, meganes01 and disaster07 in the anniversary event
23.06.11: purchased lotto tickets with phobia01, phobia04, phobia15, pms15 and zanza17; won optimist02 and intuition07 in pokeradar; traded moon06, drei08 and drei09 to platinum for jupiter06, fanclub02 and masamune04; won valentines03 and tails07 in shadow watching
24.06.11: won answer15, pentagram15 and novel01 in scrapbook; won fishanima19, lettuce05, blazers07, veda15 and healer15 in beauty pageant
26.06.11: exchanged aura08 for persocom09 in switch it up; traded arrogant06 and sos14 to cherryxjelly for paprika06 and fanclub06
29.06.11: took dynames08, dynames13, dynames14, dynames15, dynames16, immortal03, immortal07, immortal10, immortal11 and mayonnaise20 from recycled art; got one15, thornqueen08, zearth17 and a red crayon for donating a deck; traded hyper12 to nugeyo for names04; donated cigarettes16, spear05, spear09 and spear14 to asobot initiative; traded answer15 and a yellow crayon to darkraven616; got spot17 from darkraven616 ♥
03.07.11: traded yo-yo05 to blue_fox_girl for combat06; traded rookie05 to moon_wolfwriter for mayonnaise05; traded dance14 to farsketched for nirvash06; traded butler03 to appleteacakes for kitten05; won tamarin03, whip02, lemonade12 and capture16 in the lottery; won messiah12, dinosaur18 and ignition11 in seiyuu guess; won speed08 and brush01 in host club giveaway; won dragon07 and claw13 in spare parts
04.07.11: won ayesir12 and ciaossu13 in art lessons
05.07.11: traded blackcat15 to wolfie for swallow16, won dna03 and contract20 in guess the color; won realian13 and lacytanga11 in pick a color; traded kid07 to nugeyo for shark02; traded brush01 to zweilous for zanber06
06.07.11: traded fate11 to takasu for costumes01; traded child17 to chuukoku for kitten08; traded vigilante03 and foxhound10 tovictorisham for kitten18 and answer12; traded fireball02, mws13, sultry02 and sultry10 to phibby for cybernetic17, dynames06, dynames11 and swallow06; traded malice04 to tsuruhime for cybernetic19
07.07.11: traded in three purple crayons for three copies of my signature; won fairy09, southitaly16 and channel09 in music station; took contests08, suit16, swallow13, swallow15 and wings02; traded fishanima19 for paprika10 in switch it up; won excluded05 and comrades08 in shadow watching; traded signatures with phibby; won harpnote02, abel11, cyber16, beatjumper12 and food08 in grafitti
08.07.11: donated occult02, occult09, occult16 and occult20 to asobot initiative; took anniversary08 from the anniversary event
09.07.11: won ciaossu05, childish16, rose16 and hyakka06 in beauty pageant; won letter18 and apprentice05 in spare parts; got objection05, wine19, blackbird05 and a purple crayon for donating a deck; traded brag15, hikari14, leader02, and love08 to futachimaru for albhed14, christmas19, zearth19 and ruin09; traded timid01, timid12, verbose01, sensei01, selfless09, psychiatrist09, noble12, greece14, greece18, ribika16 and temper04 to yamanaika for neptune17, marine17, elemental06, gunsmoker06, lieutenant07, memories10, lionheart10, bigsister06, whisker10, whispered18 and bride10; was gifted betreida05, betreida06, betreida09 and betreida12 by bosom; was gifted sun09 by bosom; traded shaolin06 and shaolin13 to unasuavas for catsndogs05 and saturn16; traded an yellow crayon to moongoosehwrs for an orange crayon; traded signatures with lucathia_rykatu; traded vector14 and loyal18 to tadashi for microbes05; won youcopy05 and obsessed05 in pokeradar; took clock01, azoth08, umbrella09, chibi-usa03, guts14, legal06, hoihoi16, microbes01 and tanabata14 from the release; traded chaos14 to darkraven616 for clock08; traded hoihoi16 to farsketched for clock09
10.07.11: traded rafale04 to tategamiwolf for microbes03; traded signatures with moon_wolfwriter; traded valentines03 to lurora formicrobes06; traded an yellow crayon to chuukoku for an orange crayon; traded azoth08 to kupwark for clock03; traded taciturn04 and mobile13 to blue_fox_girl for clock11 and microbes08; traded p-chan06, protective20, puppet10, right07, sincerity02 and windom10 to animepam for god20, amnesia01, mayonnaise02, kid03, idol19 and cybernetic04; donated amnesia01 to asobot initiative; got assertive17, butterfly17, cleaning16, newyears20, violin07, clock11, rush01 and a purple crayon as mod pay; won grafeisen07 and karaya01 from pokeradar; got cry13, eroge17, kid06, nirvash02, saturn04, saturn05, saturn17, saturn18 and shujin14 from barnaby
11.07.11: traded burn02 for catsndogs03; traded guts14 to whimsykitsune for clock06; won joajna05, katana17, unicorn17, trigger07 and empathy02 in crosswords; won aura02 and childish05 in art lessons; exchanged three orange crayons and one gray crayon for eroge11, eroge16, eroge19 and silvana20; traded silvana20 to darkaraven616 for microbes02; traded wolfbeil14 to sesshy_is_sexii for kitten04; traded cyber16 to tategamiwolf for clock10; traded jellyfish04, sand11 and sun01 to lucathia_rykatu for believe17, firetruck16 and rhythm10; traded perceive14 and galaxy01 to spiffytuna for microbes07 and clock20; gifted whaleshark02 to spiffytuna; traded ordinary01 to ooamenohime for microbes09; traded umbrella09 to victorisham for clock04; traded legal06 to swoobat for clock07; traded pistol07 to noncatte for spot11; took april02 from the release post; traded april02 to nonchatte for clock02
17.07.11: traded armor13, gentleman13, grapes15 and mechanic12 to conversated for dresses17, god09, neptune02 and saturn01; MASTERED EROGE; got glomp12, knit10, combat10 and a purple crayon for mastering; COMPLETED PORTFOLIO; got outsider17, costumes17, sleeping16, thornqueen01, orange crayon, green crayon, purple crayon and a gray crayon for completing a portfolio; MASTERED ANNIVERSARY; got bomb17, kekkai20, yellow crayon and instant mastery of leeks; MASTERED LEEKS; won mushroom08 in go fish; won lumberjack02, blank09, wings10, tamarin08, fishing17, innkeeper17 and an yellow crayon in music station; LEVELED UP; got psychotic04, meganes06, taser19, combat15 and an orange crayon for leveling; got sweden13 and toyboat08 in host club giveaway; traded dinosaur17 to konimi for paprika19; traded chibi-usa03 to appleteacakes for clock05; traded a blue crayon to barnaby for microbes04; traded petulant05 to doublenyanbow for microbes20
18.07.11: traded pyo10 and pyo12 to conversated for backlace04 and stubborn13; gave kid03, kid06, kid11 to ulquiorrasch; traded three purple crayons to perarduaadast for three red crayons; gave cuarta08, lieutenant07, armor14, sympathy08 and sympathy09 to ulquiorrasch; traded idol05, idol19, idol20 and answer12 to darkraven616 for immortal09, immortal12, immortal15 and mercury04
19.07.11: took immortal16, immortal17, immortal19, world14 and world14 from recycled art; traded keyboard06, memories03 and memories10 to gumi for firetruck13, nonary09 and fashion03; won left15 and samekh14 in music station; got planeptune02, excluded17, otomen02, maiden06, sunshine04, amiable10, phones05, six14, chainsaw11 and an orange crayon from mod pay; traded guilt05 to alvanista for paprika12
21.07.11: traded costumes17 to tadashi for dynames19; got rabi05, waterdrop06 and heybo05 for donating to scrapbook; traded highjump06 to popndragon for dynames17
22.07.11: traded maihime06 to nonchatte for hyakka09; traded sukonbu07 to futachimaru for perfection10; got dogtags13, caduceus07, gakuran12, sensible02, data02, soccer20, ogredemon12, sockpuppet20, blank01, exceed20, green crayon, brown crayon, two red crayons and a purple crayon for trading in five sketchpads; traded in seven red crayons for persocom02, persocom03, persocom19, amita12, amita13, amita15 and amita16; got clock19 and microbes19 from ulquiorrasch
23.07.11: traded avenge04 and avenge14 to nonchatte for immortal01 and submit01; traded sunshine04 to tategamiwolf for cry10; won wild17, sayo12, seaeagle12, morning09, trigger18 and an yellow crayon in beauty pageant; won clock12, lithuania19 and writer02 in seiyuu guess; exchanged caduceus07, christmas19, dogtags13, gakuran12, glasses15, meganes01, meganes06, mushroom08, newyears15, newyears20, silhouettes01 and silhouettes04 for microbes10, microbes11, microbes12 and microbes13 in art studio
24.07.11: traded cello17 and hyper19 to nugeyo for betreida14 and rhythm13; traded signatures with ulquiorrasch; traded sablier17 and samekh20 to nerrin for nirvash13 and firetruck17; traded delinquent19 to nonchatte for clock17; traded chief19 and dragon07 to antagonists for spot16 and catsndogs17
26.07.11: traded submit01 to darkraven616 for nirvash03; MASTERED PERSOCOM; got shy02, cheri14, amita06 and a brown crayon for mastering; MASTERED COMBAT; got hahi13, precise14, amita07 and a purple crayon for mastering; MASTERED AMITA; got milk06, objection06, kitten01 and a gray crayon for mastering; MASTERED WATERMELON; got blazers14, kendama07, deliver12, microbes14 and a green crayon for mastering; won zanarkand12 and apple10 in art lessons; traded outsider01, outsider17, bell15 and bell19 to futachimaru for cyborg07, 2-a18, gakuen13 and tanabata11
28.07.11: traded clock11, colonel02, elemental11 and fireball17 to orechibisama for cry15, shujin02, shujin06 and shujin11
30.07.11: traded kendama07, monster16, shy01, shy02 and beli06 to baredick for ogredemon02, ogredemon03, ogredemon11, ogredemon13 and ogredemon14; exchanged viola06, violin07, violin09, twentyone05, un-sorcerer17 and unicorn17 for mayonnaise17 and mayonnaise18 in art studio
31.07.11: won fashion12, natsuo13, coroner13 and a red crayon for submiting art, traded onion15 to spinningstyle for fanclub12; got kitten07, innocent20, world17, world17 and world17 from recycled art; gave innocent20 to ulquiorrasch; won hungry18 and sexta13 in host club giveaway; won kingkazma16 and master16 in shadow watching; traded punisher01 to angel_of_faith for catsndogs09; traded signatures with angel_of_faith; traded cyborg07 to victorisham for ogredemon19; won jealous13 and reflection03 in guess the color; won kenpo11, beauty14 and thief14 in reading between the lines; won shenlong07 and guardian07 in spare parts
03.08.11: won gakuen16 and stardust13 in guess the color; won paint02, tsundere18 and general18 in ryoga's directions
04.08.11: got nyanperona04, kita06, magician15 and a green crayon for donating a deck; donated bonds04 to crazy colors; won lettuce01 and uguu02 in crazy colors; donated smile19, smile19, whip02, whisker09 and whispered18 to the lottery; got believe04, yami06, british10 and a gray crayon for donating a deck; won secret08, status14, pentagram16, vampire17, solar14 and airyglyph14 in the lottery; gave status14 to barnaby
05.08.11: donated despair07 to information exchange; won choker06 and doberman03 in information exchange; won adeptrogue08, acepilot16, broom17 and heiress06 in seiyuu guess; took tuna01, dearbaby02, bon07, bleep02, redcomet18, first14 and anaru08 from the release, also took swimtrunks18 I donated; traded anaru08 to nonchatte for tuna08; traded voi16 and nyanperona04 to porvoras for tuna15 and cybernetic15; took male02, perm02, perm06, perm13 and sadist01 from recycled art; traded redcomet18 to perarduaadast for tuna05; received misandry19 and butterfly02 for referral; traded butterfly02 to victorisham for clock15
04.08.11: got nyanperona04, kita06, magician15 and a green crayon for donating a deck; donated bonds04 to crazy colors; won lettuce01 and uguu02 in crazy colors; donated smile19, smile19, whip02, whisker09 and whispered18 to the lottery; got believe04, yami06, british10 and a gray crayon for donating a deck; won secret08, status14, pentagram16, vampire17, solar14 and airyglyph14 in the lottery; gave status14 to barnaby
05.08.11: donated despair07 to information exchange; won choker06 and doberman03 in information exchange; won adeptrogue08, acepilot16, broom17 and heiress06 in seiyuu guess; took tuna01, dearbaby02, bon07, bleep02, redcomet18, first14 and anaru08 from the release, also took swimtrunks18 I donated; traded anaru08 to nonchatte for tuna08; traded voi16 and nyanperona04 to porvoras for tuna15 and cybernetic15; took male02, perm02, perm06, perm13 and sadist01 from recycled art; traded redcomet18 to perarduaadast for tuna05; received misandry19 and butterfly02 for referral; traded butterfly02 to victorisham for clock15
06.08.11: won bishi10 and blackrose19 in shadow watching; won bored12 and dance16 in guess the color; traded bleep02 to victorisham for tuna04; traded sensible02 to multitasks for tuna16; got stapler13, knit15, maestro01, osaka04, zanza17, forbidden19, hitsuzen19, selfless14, ronin18, mako13, honoo04, barcode15, caution07, endless15, leopard17, gaebolg13, eccentric07, ksathriya15, berserker07, guitar11, marriage04, firetruck01, pegasus12, translator09, candy03, algorithm07, catsndogs12, jewel20, scientist03, harpnote07, impulsive16, afro15, finland05, two red crayons and one brown crayon as mod pay
07.08.11: took faintatteck03 from the release post; traded first14 and lithuania19 to moon_wolfwriter for tuna07 and cybernetic16; exchanged one red crayon for acrophobia01, junes01 and bleep06; traded acrophobia01 to ulquiorrasch for tuna10; received sadist08 from ulquiorrasch; traded bleep06 to ratiosu for tuna18; traded virgin03 and awaken08 to umi_mizuno for betreida04 and ogredemon07; won vampire15 and izanagi18 in spare parts; donated optimist18 to information exchange; won unrequited07 and bubbly17 in information exchange; traded hiwa02 and hiwa20 to porvoras for hyakka11 and neptune11; traded an orange crayon to gumi for tuna12; traded pisces03 to multitasks fo believe16; traded fashion03 and fashion12 to darkraven616 for tuna09 and cain03; gifted cain03 to darkraven616; traded memorized07 to takasu for tuna11; traded masamune04 to darkraven616 for menma14; traded menma14 and friendship05 to takasu for clock14 and spot20; got tuna17 from swoobat
08.08.11: got skyking15, nataku17, kazoku19, novelist02, enjoy13, popular15, two blue crayons and one orange crayon for turning in sketchpads; gifted kazoku19 to darkraven616; gifted popular15 to ulquiorrasch; traded in six red crayons for fashion07, fashion19, rhythm09, rhythm12, rhythm14 and rhytm17; traded in six green crayons for nirvash04, nirvash05, nirvash08, nirvash09, nirvash17 and nirvash19; traded in two brown crayons for clock16 and clock18; traded in four gray crayons for kitten13, kitten14, kitten15 and kitten16; traded fashion07, fashion19 and masamune09 to darkraven616 for kitten02, clock13 and planeptune19; traded veda11 to zweilous for tuna13; traded falena08 to galearc for cybernetic05; won hunter14, typhoon16, afro01, theatrical06 and engaged06 in crosswords; traded messiah12 and messiah16 to taminas for tuna20 ans acrophobia20; gifted acrophobia20 to ulquiorrasch; got eyes01, wolf08, foxhound04, kitten19 and a green crayon for level up; won lolishota19 and typhoon03 in art lessons;
09.08.11: got amnesia05, amnesia06, amnesia07, amnesia09 and amnesia15 from recycled art; donated amnesia05, amnesia06, amnesia07, amnesia09 and amnesia15 to asobot initiative; MASTERED MAYONNAISE; got taser05, rafale20, kitten03 and an yellow crayon for mastering; MASTERED CLOCK; got torture06, honoo20, kitten06 and an orange crayon for mastering; MASTERED NIRVASH; got arcana01, howl10, kitten10 and a red crayon for mastering; MASTERED RHYTHM; got meganes08, snowboard18, kitten11 and a brown crayon for mastering; MASTERED KITTEN; got safety16, xiv03, believe06 and a green crayon for mastering; FINISHED PALETTE PORTFOLIO; got superior12, rock13, fold11, mysteria15, two red crayons, brown crayon and a gray crayon; FINISHED MONOCHROME PORTFOLIO; got kazoku06, junk18, rosary03, taisa16, gray crayon, purple crayon, yellow crayon and a blue crayon
10.08.11: traded junes01 to bahamas for tuna14; traded civilian05 and civilian14 to spinningstyle for tartarus14; gifted tartarus14 to darkraven616; traded heiress06 to antagonists for osuwari19; got blackbird04 and pantheress18 in host club giveaway; traded minami10 to sesshy_is_sexii for neptune20; traded adeptrogue08, hacker08, halberd10 and hitsuzen14 to nugeyo for sadist03, zura04, zura11 and zura14
11.08.11: traded arcana01 to umi_mizuno for tartarus04; traded faintattack03 to silvertigerx for tuna19; traded caution07 and runner09 to experieced for planeptune17 and saidst04;
12.08.11: traded judge04, wizard15 and excluded17 to ouji_tan for tartarus03, tartarus06 and cain19; traded beauty14 and bolverk20 to victorisham for spot19 and zura05; traded regulus07, regulus08 and beatjumper06 to kearin for cry17, hyakka01 and planeptune18; traded birthmark03 and birthmark17 to yuidirnt for golem05 and violent01; got gakuran09, lolishota17 and wish06 from darkraven616; traded rock08 and sew19 to futachimaru for neptune08 and swallow07; traded lolishota17, wish06, leo10, fairy09, selfless14, marriage04, lacytanga11, safety16 and vampire15 to hushlust for cybernetic08, firetruck19, god01, hyakka10, nonary05, paprika08, perm07, perm14 and violent06; traded blazers07 and brush11 to darkraven616 for smoker16 and soft06; traded leopard17 and pantheress18 to yamanaika for sadist02 and sadist09; traded pistol17 ro dearmykeysx for mercury10
14.08.11: traded gakuran09 to ouji_tan for tartarus11
16.08.11: won oceanwave13, memories20 and bsaa17 in ryoga's directions; traded detached01 to mongoosehwrs for luckystars01; exchanged one red crayon for dearbaby01; got brat04, butterfly12 and an orange crayon for completing a sketchpad; traded dearbaby01 to chikky2k5 for tuna06; traded bishi10 and jewel20 to nazonano for maschera04 and planeptune10; traded chivalry15 to nazonano for over90017; got sadist05, sadist11, sadist13, sadist18 and zura20 from recycled art; traded trigger07 to araiyuudai for sadist15; won mysteria10 and obsessed13 in art lessons
18.08.11: gifted bolt01 to umi_mizuno; traded eyes08 to umi_mizuno for maschera03; got zura02, zura09 and zura13 as gifts from ulquiorrasch; won balut09 and president06 in spare parts; traded dearbaby02 to kikinioth for tuna02; donated wings02, costumes01, contests08, suit16, lemonade12, shark02, marine17 and sun09 to pot of gold; won garugari15, ramble07, taciturn13, krisna13, maihime04, stern04, gewehr17, knit08, goddes06, pal11, second18, uranus11, gadgets07, detective12, comrades02, information03, impressions06, february02, novel14, snail02, sagittarius20, corn12, guilt15, achoo15, rising06, outdated04, genius10, chimera06, purple crayon, red crayon, blue crayon and a gray crayon for completing july's pot of gold.
19.08.11: traded tartarus03, tartarus04, tartarus06, tartarus11, cain19 and world17 to darkraven616 for petshop10, pigtails07, pistol01, priest20, pureblood04 and pyrokinesis01; traded bon07 to oriharas for tuna03; traded four red crayons to dropsofviolet for four purple crayons; traded believe04 to stopping for cain16; exchanged 2-a18, gakuen13, gakuen16, kazoku06, meganes08, tanabata11, tanabata14, zearth17, zearth19, world14, world14, world17 for tartarus15, tartarus17, tartarus19 and tartarus20 in art studio
20.08.11: donated amnesia05, amnesia06, amnesia07, amnesia09 and amnesia15 to the asobot initiative; won demon01, piano04 and afro03 in shadow watching; traded cain16, tartarus15, tartarus17, tartarus19 and tartarus20 to darkraven616 for acrophobia02, jindujun18, status19, theend20 and ratsbane11; traded nataku17 to galearc for sensei14; won rush16, precise13, hyakkiyakou03 and jindujun04 in beauty pageant
21.08.11: donated takoyaki18 to asobot initiative; got hanafuda06, oresama12, tomorrow15, swimtrunks18, green crayon and gray crayon for turning in two sketchpads; turned in four green crayons, three blue crayons and eight purple crayons for dynames01, dynames07, dynames09, dynames18, spot12, spot14, spot18 and eight copies of my signature; traded five01 to eiliain for cybernetic11; traded hyakkiyakou03 to oriharas for jindujun16; traded despair11 to tategamiwolf for submit07
22.08.11: MASTERED SPOT; got brag02, believe08, veda08 and a purple crayon for mastering; MASTERED TUNA; got sincerity09, brat06, believe10 and an yellow crayon for mastering; MASTERED DYNAMES; got androgynous01, writer09, believe11 and a gray crayon for mastering; donated firetruck01 to crazy colors; won norway08 and kaminomimi06 in crazy colors
25.08.11: got harpnote06, cyber02, tuna02, millenium04, blame14, corn12, masou08, flame19, fanclub14, snake16, eroge10, alone10, owerpower15, hitsuzen05, zanber08, housework02, hungary19, burst07, guardian20, reflection13, light07, kaze06, badluck17, mid-childa01, whisker09, barcode10, 3-a06, octava11, identity15, nindou02, fangs18, meganes01, flamboyant01, purple crayon, green crayon and a red crayon as mod pay; got rockleone12 and rainfell18 for voting; won jindujun08 and nekotalia15 in spare parts; won gadgets20, schwarzer19, immortal17, herbs18, kenpo06; donated bigsister06, bigsister11 and bigsister17 to asobot initiative; won emotions01, fishing16 and pariah18 in music station
26.08.11: exchanged acepilot05, acepilot16, achoo15, november15, november17, novelist02, novelist10, perfect11, perfect15 in art studio for sympathy05, sympathy12 and sympathy16; traded sympathy05, sympathy12 and sympathy16 to ulquiorrasch for fireball15, heroine10 and stern11; gifted kaminomimi06 to ulquiorrasch; won ryouran14, idiot10 and circus07 in reading between the lines; got zura16 from ulquiorrasch; traded androgynous01 and my signature to oriaon for microbes15 and her signature
27.08.11: traded signatures with chuukoku; got katana13, joajna05, abel02 and 10join18 for donating sketchpads; traded luckystars01, albher19and submit07 to darkraven616 for mononoke12, names20 and asset03; traded kingkazma16, hungry18, mononoke12, choker06 and choker19 to stopping for cybernetic09, golem09, maschera05, paprika07 and shujin03; won bass06 and explosives03 in guess the color; won third01, faintattack16 and reality02 for donating to scrapbook; traded abel11 and dhampir03 to spinningstyle for earring04 and silvana19
28.08.11: traded superior12 to mongoosehwrs for perm18; traded moe01 to wolfie_ for cybernetic12_
29.08.11: traded acrophobia02 and status19 to barnaby for stern10 and theend17
30.08.11: took jindujun03, zura01, zura03, zura19 and catsndogs20 from recycled art; took jindujun06, jindujun09, jindujun13, jindujun19 and zura19 from recycled art; won bigpuppy06, latvia11 and microbes19 in pick a color
03.09.11: won slave16 and balut10 in shadow watching; won fireball1, gankutsuou10 and reaper03 in music station; won nemesisq01 and cabbage03 in guess the color; traded blank09, british10, gentle17, izanagi18 and snake16 to celestite for cry16, fanclub17, male18, sensei15, catsndogs14; traded faintattack13 to moon_wolfwriter for neptune13; traded over900017 and stubborn13 to darkraven616 for fanclub09 and supportive14
04.09.11: won kendama20, venus13 and goddess17 in seiyuu guess; traded signatures with barnaby; won meimei03, wisewolf13, pipe16, submit15 and a blue crayon in beauty pageant; traded three green crayons to mongoosehwrs for two purple crayons and one blue crayon; traded brag02 to mongoosehwrs for jindujun17
05.09.11: traded in three blue crayons and two purple crayons for believe13, believe14, believe19 and two copies of my signature; got short07, reality20, haicopy03, empathy12, a green crayon and a red crayon for turning in two sketchpads; got takoyaki19, ballerina09, menma06 and a green crayon for donating a deck; got superior17, courage14, kiseru13 and a purple crayon for donating a deck
06.09.11: won redcomet12, 2-a18, gears14, anchor20, reliable14, shamisen17, hanjyuu18, precise06, barrier19 and a brown crayon in crosswords; traded mamushi17 to kirkland for fanclub18; traded gadgets07, gadgets20, burst07, genius10, and hanafuda06 to 00zags for earring12, golem19, jupiter09, saturn14 and supportive11; took madao01, rat04, quack03, unchanging19, villager02, banana07, cruel13, ultima10 and nekomimi14 from the release; traded rat04 to ouji_tan for madao02; got feathers18, hikari04 and a gray crayon for submiting art;
07.09.11: traded kiseru13 and spaz13 to nugeyo for maschera15 and planeptune07; got piercings13, five12, mayonnaise19, siva09, poison04, CAIN03 and mentor11 as deckmaking pay; traded cruel13 to raylight159 for madao08; traded banana07 to chuukoku for madao07; traded ultima10 to darkraven616 for perm01; got mayonnaise13 and thinking12 as referral rewards; got bite16, acrobat01, bonds19, tenshi06, music15, kshatriya16, crybaby20, noble20, whip10, nose05, flame03, kita04, pacifist05, orpheus20, chaos08, almighty16, marimo02, halloween19, 1stchild18, frail05, skater14, wayward19, analyze08, hunter20, titania01, ring14, orange crayon and yellow crayon as mod pay; gifted 1stchild18 to darkraven616; exchanged 3-a06, circus07, halloween19, meganes01, microbes19, mid-childa01, nekotalia15, swimtrunks18 and world17 for microbes16, microbes17 and microbes18; traded villager02 to soporil; traded venus13 to dropsofviolet for madao; traded flame19 and submit15 to darkraven616 for mercury11 and mercury20; traded unchanging19 to moon_wolfwriter for madao04; traded gears14 to 00zags for madao18
08.09.11: traded nekomimi14 to megchan87 for madao10; traded pipe16 and guardian07 to zweilous for stern18 and electricity04; took dresses04, fireball08, fireball09, fireball17, male16 and shujin12 from recycled art; got betreida03, jindujun11, theend07, orpheus08 and orpheus11 from mosque; traded quack03, ballerina09, chainsaw11, claw13 and claw19 to bringthefate for madao03, sohcahtoa16 pluto10, pluto12 and pluto20
09.09.11: traded anchor20 to phibby for paprika09; traded signatures with wolfie; traded heybo05 to raissa_yei for madao17; received orpheus15 from mosque
11.09.11: MASTERED BELIEVE; got blackcat11, pyroqueen08, firetruck03 and a gray crayon; MASTERED MICROBES; got ultima15, sew07, courage20, netherworld04 and a brown crayon
12.09.11: traded heroine10 to multitasks for madao20; gifted contract20 to multitasks; gifted orpheus08, orpheus11, orpheus15 and orpheus20 to darkraven616
13.09.11: traded 10join18, blackbird04 and blackbird05 to yuidirnt for male01, male12 and oblivion05; won cain03 in pick a color; traded ultima15 to darkraven616 for shamisen01; traded signatures with baredick; traded typhoon03, typhoon16, whisker09, bolt01 and rising06 to sparkism for cry14, hyakka07, jindujun01, jindujun07 and neptune10; won weak10 and venus12 in art lessons; exchanged two red crayons for acrophobia17 and acrophobia18; exchanged for gray crayons for unchanging03, tuxedo06, tuxedo14 and tuxedo17; traded unchanging03 to oriaon for madao16; won april13, necessarius04, 10join11 and spaz10 in ryoga's directions; got shannaro20 and planeptune12; traded acrophobia17 and acrophobia18 to ulqiorrasch for firetruck19 and madao11
15.09.11: took betreida16, cry01, earring09, fireball07, firetruck09 and firetruck12 from recycled art; traded wolfbeil03 to galearc for madao09; won noble07, bishi20 and snowboard12 in go fish; traded crybaby20 and pacifist05 to megchan87 for names16 and shujin09; traded anniversary08 to kidalana for madao14; traded mayonnaise13 and mayonnaise19 to futachimaru for pitcher12 and pitcher18
17.09.11: traded cyber02, prussia15 and snowboard03 to moon_wolfwriter; MASTERED FIRE TRUCK; got liberate09, rosary01, stern02 and a red crayon for mastering; MASTERED TUXEDO; got violin14, keyblade19, stern03 and a purple crayon for mastering; FINISHED PORTFOLIO; got synesthesia06, moderator12, hahi15, awkward04, two gren crayons, blue crayon and a purple crayon for finishing; won fighter20, spaz13 and takatomon06 in guess the color; won graceful08 and fire06 in spare parts; traded pegasus12 to disutansu for madao15; traded bsaa17 to jessis for immortal20; traded signatures with perarduaadast
18.09.11: traded in hornet15, junk07 and junk18 for sukonbu01 in art studio; donated sukonbu01 to asobot initiative; got stern08 and stern14 from recycled art
19.09.11: traded bsaa17 to jessis for immortal20; got akatsubaki03, smoker08, ladyluck07, torture16, uranus06, voi09, silent15, rock02, iceblue09, professor02, alias10, watergun16, spirit11, kimono12, 10join06, juliet14, karaya05, fullmoon17, zanza03, paint09, manikatti02, kritya18, ciaossu17, guild15, rose20, jyuuken12, mws06, punisher20, fishanima16, idiot16, bonds03, meteor17, tsukihime15, ptrd-4111, irritated09, fierce18, 4-dpocket20, kiss12, beli07, outdated17, sukonbu09, patch09, malice04, yellow crayon, purple crayon and green crayon as mod pay
20.09.11 traded alone10 to snackoos for maschera14; traded irritated09 to futachimaru for nonary14; won stars14 and japan06 in spare parts; won wild03, operator20, christmas19, recruit05 and optimist04 in spare parts; exchanged abel02 for theend12 in switch it up; gifted ayesir01, ayesir11, ayesir12 and master16 to kemono_0; got sailorfuku16, foxhound09, memories05, conquer01, devour18, eyeshadow20 and a blue crayon for participating in a contest; won mirage18 and earl15 in art lessons
22.09.11: traded morning09, piercings13, thinking12 and slave16 to nugeyo for oblivion01, sign14, catsndogs10 and catsndogs15
24.09.11: took androphobic03, androphobic08, androphobic09, androphobic20, dresses05, jindujun10, mercury16 and neptune16 from recycled art; won tattoo10, viola14, dogs20 forks20, deathscythe02, first02, wingzero01, milk08, ikazuchi06, pachinko05, yellow crayon and gray crayon in colors league; won biscuit10, okama06 and malefic08 in colors league day 1; won maidcafe09, playboy08 and sos03 in colors league day 5; won rain20, thornqueen06, otaku10 and asobot04 in colors leagues day 2; won mortician01, ribbon16 and maid09 in reading between the lines; traded idiot10 and idiot16 to nugeyo for golem18 and oblivion12
25.09.11: traded androphobic03, androphobic08, androphobic09 and androphobic20 to ulquiorrasch for stern01, stern16, steiner20 and neptune09; traded maidcafe09 to yamanaika for tune17
26.09.11: gifted superior17 to barnaby; won mom15 and enigmatic02 in colors league day 3; traded ladyluck07 to sparkism for stern09; swapped 2ndchild18 for supportive03 in switch it up
27.09.11: traded signatures with yamanaika; traded shenlong07 to barnaby for supportive02; got flute08 and sew07 from host club giveaway; won kira14, ragnell18 and blossom09 in pick a color; won caduceus20, scarf12, jewel05 and illegitimate15 in colors league day 8; got nirvash14, cola04, partner10, toran07, paprika05, adam04, brother20, tartarus07, red crayon, two orange crayons and blue crayon for turning in sketchpads; exchanged four yellow crayons for shujin04, shujin14, shujin15 and shujin20; took hyakka16, mars09, mars14, mars15, mars19, mars20, swallow12 and swallow14; leveled up; got godhand01, sia07, mechanic09, stern20 and a green crayon for leveling up; won guild18, julia18 and motorcycle08 in neku's music station; donated abyss15 to crazy colors; got perceive17, honoo07 and digimon11 in crazy colors
28.09.11: traded sigs with love_michiyuki; traded schwarzer19 to tategamiwolf for mercury02; traded punisher20 to sparkism for sign09
30.09.11: traded babylon10, brother20 and seahorse19 to nugeyo for cybernetic14, electricity10 and theend11; donated apple10 to crazy colors; won touchthis06 and swimtrunks19 in crazy colors; got madao05, empty01, sign01 and shamisen02 from kemono_0; won vector01 and crusnik16 in guess the color
02.10.11: traded impressions06 to tsuruhime for swallow02; LEVELED UP; got adam17, hungry01, neptune01, stern19 and a purple crayon for leveling; traded rafale20 and schwarzer19 to tategamiwolf for silvana16 and immortal08; traded collected07, coroner13, coroner14, haicopy03, airyglyph14, otomen02 and sew07 to spinningstyle for cat01, cat02, cat03, cat07, cat13, cat14 and cat20; exchanged afro01, afro03, afro15, ariadoney12, ariadoney15, asobot04, directions08, disarm06, disarm18, hahi13, hahi15, julia18 for stern05, stern06, stern07 and stern12 in art studio
05.10.11: traded pudding02 to kikai7 for empty02; traded joajna05, memories05, memories20 and sailorfuku16 to love_michiyuki for sohcahtoa18, stubborn18, ruin12 and oracle14; traded badluck17, writer02 and writer09 to futachimaru for pig09, pluto13 and ruin20; won second03 and matriarch18 in art lessons; took cat08, cat11, cat18, mars07, mars08, saturn19, silvana04 and silvana06 from recycled art; traded signatures with nazonano; gifted flower15 to nazonano; traded an yellow crayon to angel_of_faith for madao12; traded watergun16 to sesshy_is_sexii for dresses09; traded forbidden19 and shirogamon10 to tales_fan for god17 and noble10
07.10.11: got oblivion13 from ulquiorrasch; traded orange crayon and purple crayon to darkraven616 for two red crayons; traded adam04, adam17, knit08, knit10, neptune01, southitaly05, southitaly16 and stripes03 to nugeyo for cat19, fanclub13, noble15, oblivion14, pitcher02, pitcher06, sew01 and sign17
08.10.11: took badminton01, gaps08, curepassion18, lancecorp07, barrettes07, primo04, corporal07, apostle18 and younger07 from the release; took oblivion02 for answering the levels question; traded apostle18 to forthefluff for badminton08; traded curepassion18 to galearc for badminton03; traded lancecorp07 to tales_fan for badminton04; traded a green crayon to darkraven616 for a red crayon; traded barrettes07 to kikinioth for badminton05; traded primo04 to ouji_tan for badminton06; traded bored12 to senren for badminton14
12.10.11: got revenge19, cannon03, loveless03 and a brown crayon for donating a deck; got tamarin04, dogs10, february08 and a purple crayon for donating a deck; won aries07, luck05, skeleton12, quincy13 and actor12 in crosswords; got jewelwitch17, keyhole04, immature13, first11, hachiko08, dressup03 and minami10 for donating graphics; exchanged three brown crayons, one green crayon, four red crayons, two purple crayons, three orange crayons and four blue crayons for madao13, bicycle01, bicycle02, archadia10, stern13, stern15, stern17, soup10, cybernetic10, cybernetic13, jindujun02, jindujun05, jindujun12, cry06, cry07, cry11 and cry18; traded archadia10 to darkraven616 for badminton11; traded gaps08 to unasuvas for badminton02; traded corporal07 to bringthefate for badminton07; traded younger07 to snackoos for badminton09; took mercury01, sadist14, silvana01, silvana02, silvana03, silvana05, silvana08 and catsndogs04 from recycled art; won saturn01 in pick a color; traded kritya18 to zweilous for badminton13; traded demon01, feathers18, and dna03 to forthefluff for noble05, theend15 and pig16; traded excluded05, illegitimate15, playboy08 and second18 to nugeyo for golem20, oblivion03, oblivion16 and saturn09; traded soup10 to mongoosehwrs for badminton15; traded outdated04 and touchthis06 to tales_fan for electricity11 and dresses16
13.10.11: traded mercenary13 to chikky2k5 for paprika17
14.10.11: traded order03 to chikky2k5 for neptune12; switched alias10 for zura17 in switch it up; won leo10, ratsbane15 and curepassion14 in seiyuu guess; won bandages11, timid15, forks14 and raven18 in beauty pageant; got chibikko02, skydragon08, television01, perfection18, hamha06, aikido07, eccentric02, sunlight09, amulet04, masou16, whirlwind05, meteor18, lapister07 and a gray crayon as deckmaking pay; traded lapister07 to futachimaru for cat04; gifted bicycle01 and bicycle02 to ulquiorrasch; got badminton10 and neptune03 from ulquiorrasch; traded foxhound09 to ulquiorrasch for perm05
15.10.11: traded sohcahtoa16, sohcahtoa18 and oracle14 to darkraven616 for swallow09, sew03 and steiner06; traded dragon05 and bonds03 to ulquiorrasch for ousaka09 and silhouettes04
18.10.11: traded dynamite07, logic05, whip10 and wingzero01 to nugeyo for elecricity08, perm11, shamisen04 and sign05; traded tsundere18 to cherryxjelly for golem16; traded amulet04, baseball09, bite16 and skydragon08 to megchan87 for pitcher09, swallow20, theend14 and tune02; got intelligent03, dachshund20, aquarius20, priest04, blank18, forbidden12, corporal08, clothespeg02, control01, kitten18, director13, lure02, clow04, tomorrow08, lumberjack16, engineer09, isshu03, west08, line12, seventeen04, namekian05, futon15, netidol14, composer05, balut20, katana04, fighter11, brown crayon, gray crayon and green crayon as mod pay; MASTERED STERN; got tokunaga17, torture20, steiner01 and blue crayon; MASTERED SHUJIN; got shinsou19, worst04, steiner02 and blue crayon; MASTERED JINDUJUN; got mushroom13, baseball01, steiner03 and yellow crayon; MASTERED CRY; got precise03, deer03, steiner04 and greencrayon; MASTERED CYBERNETIC; got paprika20, harpnote03, steiner05 and green crayon; MASTERED MADAO; got onigiri08, eighth06, steiner07 and purple crayon; MASTERED SIGNATURES; got catsndogs01, shamisen04, kaleidostar08, moodmaker16 and red crayon
19.10.11: gifted platinum06 and television01 to suhoons
22.10.11: took golem01, ogredemon01, ogredemon20, sew01, sew04, sew05, silvana11 and silvana20; traded intelligent09 and jyuuken12 to kearin for swallow18 and gorilla15; gave five brown crayons to nugeyo; won peach09, forecaster10 and bite10 in shadow watching; passed out halloween candy to akise; passed out halloween candy to galearc; passed out halloween candy to harumonia; passed out halloween candy to jessis; passed out halloween candy to baredick; passed out halloween candy to tales_fan; passed out halloween candy to moon_wolfwriter; traded 10join06 to moon_wolfwriter for pluto04; passed out halloween candy to tonko_ni; passed out halloween candy to kikinioth; traded beatjumper12, light07, maihime07, objection05, and zanarkand12 to kikinioth for pitcher14, perm20, supportive20, sew12 and silvana17; passed out halloween candy to dearmykeysx; traded aquarius20 and christmas19 to dearmykeysx for silvana14 and catsndogs13; passed out candy to hushlust; passed out candy to miyasaikou; passed out halloween candy to megchan87
23.10.11: got red candy from akise; traded balut09 and balut10 to akise for oceanwave16 and submissive06; traded leo10 to dearmykeysx for androphobic19; got orange candy from experienced; traded biscuit10, iyashikei07, necessarius04, netherworld04, barcode10, barcode15 and moodmaker16 to experienced for cat10, maschera07, ogredemon16, quack10, submissive16, supportive16 and viera20; passed out halloween candy to experienced; passed out halloween candy to yamanaika; passed out halloween candy to bringthefate; passed out halloween candy to kearin; passed out halloween candy to nugeyo; passed out halloween candy to cherryxjelly; gifted cannon03, guitar11 and wisewolf13 to cherryxjelly; passed out halloween candy to chibi_parfait; passed out halloween candy to raylight157; passed out halloween candy to love_michiyuki; traded swimtrunks19 to love_michiyuki for electricity16; passed out halloween candy to kikai7; traded sukonbu09 to raylight157 for violence12; traded impulsive16 to kikai7 for drill14
25.10.11: got taijutsu12, nakochi15, mediator19, sadistic08, devil09, squats02, honor15, record14, two red crayons and two purple crayons for turning in sketchpads; exchanged orange crayon for clothespeg03; traded clothespeg03 to love_michiyuki for badminton17; traded kira14 to snackoos for steiner14; got catsndogs12, second19, vino07, private06, viera12 and a brown crayon for donating a special deck; got yellow candy from bringthefate; got blue candy from ouji_tan; traded whirlwind05, capricorn17 and tartarus07 to ouji_tan for cure03, ogredemon09 and theend04
26.10.11: won occult06 in pick a color; traded reliable14 to realistic_soul for silvana13; traded marimo02 to baredick for eyeshadow14; got green candy from baredick; got grey candy from darkraven616; traded backlace04, composer15, ruin09, ruin12, ruin20, kitten18 and viera20 to darkraven616 for asset10, astronomy01, author01, avoid15, awaken20, badluck03 and bandages18; got blue candy from chuukoku; got purple candy from oriharas; traded knit15 to nugeyo for golem13; got purple candy from nugeyo; got brown candy from dearmykeysx; won brain06, tabris13 and brother02 in ryoga's directions; got brown candy from zweilous; traded maiden06 to zweilous for supportive18; passed out candy to indigotcg; passed out candy to animepam, traded norway08 to animepam for paprika15; passed out candy to mongoosehwrs; passed out candy to realistic_soul; passed out candy to stopping; traded eroge10 to cherryxjelly for gorilla01; passed out candy to phibby; traded summoner14 to phibby for planeptune16; passed out candy to dropsofviolet; passed out candy to piraskel; traded fishing16, pyroqueen18, blackcat11 and misandry13 to piraskel for maschera20, fireball20, submissive20 and oceanwave20; traded hungry01 to stopping for sadist12; passed out candy to ouji_tan; passed out candy to kira_diasparkle; passed out candy to vriska, passed out candy to chikky2k5;
28.10.11: traded devour18 to bring the fate for biscuit16; traded delinquent15 to cherryxjelly for badminton18; gifted osuwari19 to cherryxjelly; traded misandry19 and fold11 to piraskel for sadist06 and sadist17; got orange candy from futachimaru; passed out candy to darkraven616; passed out candy to chuukoku; passed out candy to futachimaru; traded private06 and scout18 to tales_fan for pig07 and oblivion15; traded ore-sama12 and ore-sama14 to ulquiorrasch for cure01 and ogredemon05; got green candy from soporil; traded honor02, nindou02, vino07 and fullmetal13 to soporil for cat12, cat17, mercury08 and cure15; got brown candy from galearc; passed out candy to kemono_0; traded blossom09 and fishanima16 to vriska for abh07 and cat16; got gray candy from kikinioth; traded maihime04 to kikinioth for submissive17; traded biscuit16 to experienced for kitten11; got gray candy from hushlust; traded aura02, music15, balut20, left15, masou16, blame14, cleaning16 and lolishota19 to hushlust for jupiter19, oceanwave02, oceanwave17 osuwari08, planeptune08, planeptune15, pig02 and theend06; gifted androphobic19 to ulquiorrasch
29.10.11: got orange candy from chibi_parfait; passed out candy to enwns89; got yellow candy from phibby; got orange candy from kearin; got brown candy from tales_fan; got orange candy from tonko_ni; got blue candy from jessiss; traded sos03 and osuwari08 to cherryxjelly for halloween05 and mid-childa06; got brown candy from cherryxjelly; got purple candy from megchan87; traded a yellow crayon to angel_of_faith for badminton12; got yellow candy from suhoons; switched curepassion14 for abh04 in switch it up; won ramen09 and ariadoney09 in shadow watching; got purple candy from moon_wolfwriter; traded abh04 to darkraven616 for watergun13; traded bite10, ronin18, intuition07 and second03 to moon_wolfwriter for zura15, oceanwave14, cure16 and theend03; got blue candy from kikai7
31.10.11: got yellow candy from enws89; got purple candy from dropsofviolet; traded clow04 to dropsofviolet for theend19; got yellow candy from raylight159; got orange candy from realistic_soul; got blue candy from kemono_0; got orange candy from kira_diasparkle; got yellow candy from love_michiyuki; got red candy from piraskel; got green candy from wolfie; got red candy from Akai-san; got bite05, mechapilots05 and servant14 for donating to scrapbook; exchanged 2-a18, caduceus20, catsndogs12, halloween05, hamha06, isshu03, keyhole04, mechapilots05, mid-childa06, mushroom13, ousaka09, partner10 for catsndogs02, catsndogs06, catsndogs07 and catsndogs08 in art studio.
01.11.11: got gewehr07, body17, toyboat15 and yellow crayon for donating a deck; got ayesir19, maou05, cocky03 and a brown crayon for donating a deck; took sukonbu01, sukonbu03, sukonbu04, sukonbu05, sukonbu07, sukonbu08, sukonbu09, sukonbu10, sukonbu11, sukonbu12, sukonbu14, sukonbu15, sukonbu17, sukonbu18, sukonbu19 and sukonbu20 from asobot initiative; traded awkward04 to yamanaika for earring11, got green candy from yamanaika; passed out candy to kidalana; traded yellow crayon to darkraven616 for a blue crayon; got green candy from kidalana; got red candy from lucathia_rykatu; traded silhouettes04, blindfold02, juliet14 and mediator19 to lucathia_rykatu for fanclub16, oceanwave10, pure04 and submissive13; got red candy from chikky2k5; traded drugs08, actor12 and heart05 to chikky2k5 for asset18, fireball06 and fireball13; got gray candy from tsuruhime; got green candy from indigotcg; passed out candy to tategamiwolf; passed out candy to lucathia_rykatu; passed out candy to soporil; got red candy from stopping; took oceanwave02, pluto09, sew13, sew15, sew16, sew17, sew20 and quack11 from recycled art; got gray candy from nazonano; traded acrobat01, six14 and bandages18 to nazonano for mercury13, theend16 and violent15
02.11.11: traded body17 to bringthefate for average02; traded harpnote02, harpnote06, bubbly17 and cheerful19 to kidalana for stern15, otoko09, otoko18 and memorized11; traded deathscythe02 to phibby for badminton20; got green candy from miyasaikou; got blue candy from harumonia; took god08, oceanwave04, oceanwave15, oveanwave18, tune18, cure04, cure12 and cure14 from recycled art
04.11.11: traded bite05 to moon_wolfwriter for planeptune09; traded hitsuzen05 to tales_fan for electricity12; got orange candy from Mikan-tan; got catsndogs11, catsndogs13, catsndogs16, catsndogs18 and catsndogs19 from nugeyo; traded pal17 to nugeyo for sukonbu13; won gatekeeper07, inside13 and maestro08 in seiyuu guess; won novelist01, spider11 and quiet01 in seiyuu guess; won kamatari20, alien08 and mafiaboss17 in beauty pageant; traded objection06 to tales_fan for nonary19; won taurus10 and territory02 in guess the color; won memorized01 and wingzero06 in guess the color; got data18, bicycle12, traveller02, hyakkiyakou01, brag20, copy12, microbes01, tomorrow09, blues09, northitaly16, corn19, kiyohime05, purple crayon, two green crayons, orange crayon, gray crayon and one red crayon for turning in sketchpads
07.11.11: took meat09, beaker02, rouge01, outcast20, insomnia13, clear16, compassion05, fantasia09, black06 that I donated, fantasia19 as my special suggestion and paprika11 as the 11 card from the release; traded meat09 to akise for fantasia01; traded rouge01 to suhoons for fantasia03; traded clear16 to yuidirnt for fantasia06; traded beaker02 to hushlust for fantasia02; traded outcast20 to chuukoku for fantasia04; traded black06 to darkraven616 for fantasia10; traded sew17 to ulquiorrasch for fantasia12; traded recruit05 to oriharas for fantasia14; traded average02 to experienced for fantasia17; won demonqueen01, chiefmaid20 and coach02 in colors league; traded god08 and menma06 to chuukoku for asset20 and sensei07; got blue candy from mongoosehwrs; won yellow crayon and red crayon in pick a color; traded eyeshadow14, abh07 and kitten11 to darkraven616 for memorized14, jupiter08 and tartarus10
09.11.11: took cat15, memorized10, memorized13, ogredemon10, planeptune13, sensei12, sensei19 and sew08 from recycled art
13.11.11: won jealousy04 and hotheaded10 in shadow watching; won piano03, tears17 and akagami08 in reading between the lines; got brown candy from angel_of_faith; traded voi09, ciaossu05, ciaossu13 and ciaossu17 to kira_diasparkle for fanclub11, nonary16, sensei11 and supportive13
17.11.11: gave chiefmaid20, broom17 and outsider01 to alvanista; traded compassion05 and brag20 to mongoosehwrs for fantasia07 and gorilla07; traded xiv05 to yamanaika for violent05; traded microbes01 to love_michiyuki for neptune06; traded hyakkiyakkou01 and quiet01 to nugeyo for empty20 and cure19; took luna01 from november release; won guard07 and bio-weapon13 in art lessons; traded february02, february15, copy12, engineer09, fragile08, ninja14, taisa16, taozi01, tomorrow08 and tomorrow09 to perarduaadast for appearance01, backlace14, dresses03, gunblade13, gunblade16, gunblade17, gunblade20, male10, skypirate09 and submisive11; won skypirate14 and wings05 in host club giveaway; LEVELED UP; got kazoku17, meimei19, curepine10, steiner17 and green crayon; MASTERED BETREIDA; got nii-nii16, foxhound02, steiner18 and a green crayon for mastering; MASTERED IMMORTAL; got futari17, misfortune06, steiner19 and orange crayon for mastering; MASTERED STEINER; got misfortune18, littlekitty02, perm03 and a green crayon for mastering; MASTERED DRILL; got monkey15, pinkpearl11, perm08 and yellow crayon for mastering; MASTERED CATSNDOGS; got tabris09, earring16, armored14, fantasia20 and purple crayon for mastering; traded taser05 to 00zags for fantasia11
19.11.11: traded insomnia13 to chibi_parfait for fantasia05; won shaolin03 and jyuuken16 in shadow watching; won nun15, desu06 and hamha16 in seiyuu guess; won strict01, erhu15, blackknight10 and accurate03 in colors league; traded composer05, gunblade13, gunblade16, gunblade17 and gunblade20 to darkraven616 for bloodshot16 and keyhole01; gifted backlace14, skypirate09 and skypirate14 to darkraven616; traded tamarin03, tamarin04 and tamarin08 to conversated for mercury03, perm04 and theend05; gifted bicycle12 to ulquiorrasch; traded six gray candies to darkraven616 for six blue candies
21.11.11: exchanged 12 blue candies, 6 yellow candies, 6 red candies, 5 purple candies, 6 green candies, 4 brown candies and 6 orange candies for perm10, perm12, perm15, perm16, perm17, perm19, paprika13, paprika14, paprika16, neptune05, neptune07, neptune14, cat06, names02 and names06; exchanged six yellow crayons and three orange crayons for nine female character choice cards
25.11.11: traded buchou15 to farsketched for pitcher19; traded maid09 and sayo12 to miyasaikou for condiments18 and lander13; exchanged two brown crayons, seven purple crayons, two orange crayons and one gray crayon for names13, names14, planeptune01, planeptune03, planeptune04, planeptune05, planeptune06, planeptune11, planeptune14, sukonbu02, sukonbu06 and zura07 in art shop; exchanged nine female character choice cards for saturn02, saturn03, saturn06, saturn12, saturn13, maschera01, maschera06, maschera11 and maschera17; took asset08, asset12, pitcher01, submissive01, submissive04, submissive09, submissive18 and theend10 from recycled art; traded ariadoney09, itadakimasu01, itadakimasu07 and itadakimasu19 to nugeyo for akfield20, jupiter16, skirt14 and zura10; won sister13, future14 and crowanima15 in seiyuu guess; won yami10 and rebel03 in go fish; MASTERED PERM; got ecure15, wait16, paprika18 and a brown crayon for mastering; FINISHED PALETTE PORTFOLIO; got honest17, archery06, unison05, reporter16, two orange crayons, one red crayon and one purple crayon for finishing a portfolio; FINISHED MONOCHROME PORTFOLIO; got stiches07, jupiter05, fork09, maschera14, gray crayon, yellow crayon, orange crayon and blue crayon for finishing a portfolio; won faint20 and buddha19 in shadow watching; won windaquario06 and ecure08 in art lessons; won unchanging15, german01, abel10, kenpo17 and halloween04 in grafitti; won sorry20, hacker10, ousaka03, ecstasy19 and a blue crayon in beauty pageant; won oceanwave08, symmetry09, sommelier06, isshu05, astraphobia05, herbs20, cascade09 and seth20 in spare parts; won tackle17, dreamworld10, bloodyrose03, sin20 and blessed13 in crosswords; traded ayesir19 to kemono_0 for fantasia16
29.11.11: got homophobe20, illness09, iris04, kansai08, melchsee11, believe12, lionheart14, spirit07, pistol12, attack17, vocalist03, cannon15, kagutsuchi08, iceland16, maid06, monster05, r-traps06, hyperion08, comrades04, shannaro15, ogredemon03, samekh17, gentle19, popular16, friends02, rhythm19, redeyes04, aikido04, dote06, villager10, futon18, ice16, zero20, memories13, shattered02, salamander04, nonary17, celestial05, green crayon, purple crayon and red crayon as mod pay; got feathers08, blackharu15, dogtags13, serena13, windaquario07, bored11, shaolin10, acepilot04, kinkan19, otomen16, synesthesia02, nightmare08, bikinis03, fiancee02, sogeking18, nyan11, engrish09, guardian09, menace18, analyze17, ophiuchus12, unwritten08, butterfly19, moderator11, railgun16, 2-306, reflection03, ouroboros03, cheri03, ramble13, blue crayon, gray crayon and brown crayon as mod pay; got violin02, valentines04, illegitimate09, directions16, sen15, alkahestry02, principal06, playboy07, names17, blades14, conquer07, dango03, janam14, 1stchild20, freedom01, chibikko16, prediction09, experiments05, save05, zanarkand02, private05, symmetry12, intuition18, jokes02, impulsive10, madao19, hikari05, tonfar18, sleeping13, jian18, stripes08, ero-cook01, two red crayons and one brown crayon as mod pay; MASTERED PAPRIKA; got karate06, ditz10, names17 and a green crayon for mastering; MASTERED NAMES; got france20, future19, saturn15 and a red crayon for mastering; MASTERED SATURN; got mysterious06, blackrose13, cat09 and a gray crayon for mastering; MASTERED CAT; got watermelon06, ecure20, planeptune20 and a brown crayon for mastering; MASTERED PLANEPTUNE; got younger15, keyhole05, neptune19 and gray crayon for mastering; MASTERED NEPTUNE; got ussocom15, effeminate06, maschera19 and orange crayon for mastering; MASTERED MASCHERA; got mid-childa18, chevalier13, sukonbu16 and red crayon for mastering; MASTERED SUKONBU; got blackharu12, libra06, zura08 and blue crayon for mastering; MASTERED ZURA; got uranus10, england07, fanclub07 and gray crayon; gave sew07 to ulquiorrasch; got fantasia13 from cherryxjelly
30.11.11: exchanged bikinis03, catsndogs13, dogtags13, hamha16, isshu05, janam14, kazoku17, keyhole01, keyhole05, kinkan19, mid-childa18, ousaka03 in art studio for nonary01, nonary02, nonary03 and nonary07
02.12.11: got futari18, kerberous11, eyes01 and a purple crayon for donating a deck; exchanged bio-weapon13 for luna18 in switch it up; got jealousy01, intuition11 and alien17 for contributing to scrapbook; traded halloween04 to love_michiyuki for paopufruit03; won summoner02, marry20 and crusnik18 in pick a color; took appearance09, bloodshot09, bloodshot20, male09, pitcher10, pitcher15, pitcher17 and pitcher20 from recycled art; got noble01, noble04, noble06, noble08, noble09, noble11, noble13 and noble17 from recycled art; got hyperion20 and austria20 from host club giveaway, traded armored14, data02, data18, effeminate06 to 00zags for cure09, oceanwave11, pure02 and socute03
04.12.11: traded viera12 and hyperion04 to farsketched for silvana10 and male07
07.12.11: traded taser19 and tenshi06 to 00zags for trance02 and trance09; took hostess01, aristocratic02, minus03, driving03, diligent04, shihouka06, slap06, beastman04 and blue18 I donated from december release; LEVELED UP; got zanza16, courage12, grapes15, masamune17, fanclub08 and a green crayon for leveling; won assassin18 and tanabata12 in art lessons; traded bishi20 to pierrott for hostess10; traded aristocratic02 to darkraven616 for hostess02; traded driving03 to hushlust for hostess04; traded malefic08 to mokubas for hostess11; traded nii-nii16 and sommelier06 to mongoosehwrs for asset09 and pure17; traded diligent04 to ulquiorrasch for hostess05; traded beastman04 to ouji_tan for hostess08; traded minus03 to experienced for hostess03; traded alkahestry02 to soporil for hostess13
08.12.11: traded slap06 to oriharas for hostess07; won eyes05, gsleague12, responsible10, bonds09, abuse08, dog15, biscuit06, shihouka08 and slap11 in music station; gave skateboard14 to alvanista; traded stern15, gsleague12, trance02 and trance09 to darkraven616 for immigrant15, fireball18, solar05 and windom08
09.12.11: took supportive01 from advent caledar 1; took cureblack01 and fanclub08 from advent calendar 4; traded god03, cubes19, dance16, desu06, desu16, otomen16, forks14 and forks20 to chuukoku for memorized02, memorized09, rainfell03, rainfell09, sen08, sign13, windom09 and windom14; traded rainfell03 and rainfell09 to darkraven616 for curepassion15 and psybeam10; took fireball12, swallow01, theend13, vest14, windom01, windom03, windom05 and windom16 from recycled art; traded shihouka06 to kikinioth for hostess06